Blog Archives

October 22nd 2021

I did NOT want to get up this morning. The air was chilly coming in my slightly open window, and the covers (and my wonderful new pillows!) felt comfy and warm. But I wanted to make sure my Pinnacle guys

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October 21, 2021

I left the house a little before 7am, and the moon through the trees was bright and pretty. It followed me for about half an hour, then the sun came out. The drive up was beautiful, with spots of color

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October 20, 2021

Full moon tonight! There’s just something about the beauty of a full moon on a fall evening. Here is a view from the hill at church after Bible study. Kelly and the boys left about 9:30am. I always hate to

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October 19, 2021

We had a full but fun day today. I worked all morning, and Kelly worked on some of her home-school and co-op projects before having lunch with Ashly. I got home first and got the boys something to eat, then

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October 18, 2021

It’s a cool but beautiful day. After breakfast (boys were still sleeping) Kelly and I ran a few errands. It wouldn’t have taken quite so long, but we got stuck in traffic on Route 30 because of traffic light replacement

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October 17, 2021

Today, my baby son is 40 years old! I know he is feeling the transition, but so am I. Hardly seems possible – even as I reflect back on what I was doing on this date 40 years ago. I

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October 16, 2021

It was cold, dark, and rainy so no outside walk. I realized that my neck was stiff again, and also realized it was my pillow. I had bought new ones 2 years ago but they were pretty flat already –

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October 15, 2021

I woke up at 5am with a headache and a queasy stomach. For the next 3 hours I was up and down, thinking I would probably eventually be sick, but never was. I took a few Tums, gulped a few

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October 14, 2021

Early cool walk, work at both stores, and lunch with Auntie D at Chilli’s. I’d never been there. Anywhere Aunt Darlene frequents she has a following, and today it was Katie. The staff are really friendly and nice to her,

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October 13, 2021

On my walk this morning I took pictures of two Halloween houses. I noticed as I drove by tonight after Bible Study that they were lit up nicely, as well. Very fun! I did spend the entire day cleaning. I

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