Blog Archives

November 1, 2021

I started November 1st by switching from walking outside to using the treadmill. It makes sense, with the weather cool and often damp in the mornings, and late afternoon and evening walks will be in the dark after Sunday. And

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Halloween 2021

This morning started as cold, rainy, and very overcast – and didn’t look to improve. But it’s almost 5pm and the sun is shining, making the leaves look golden and orange and bright. I think our little trick-or-treaters will have

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October 30, 2021

Before I start on the day’s adventures – I drove Autmn to a Halloween Party at her friend Seanna’s (near Scottdale) tonight at 7pm. I had just made the comment about being alert for deer. We went around a corner

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October 29, 2021

As promised, a small recap of Chonda Pierce. She is amazingly funny, and can draw you into her humor until you can’t stop laughing – then turn on a dime and pull at your heart strings. She had such a

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October 28, 2021

Tonight the Violets (Kath, Deb and I) are going to see Chonda Pierce at the Palace. I’ve heard some of her work but never seen her in person. If you haven’t heard of her, she’s a Christian comedienne. Laughing is

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October 27, 2021

Took my time getting started today, but it still kept me busy all day with cleaning and chores. I was finished about 6:05pm, and printed a few activity pages for the Sunday School lesson (Esther) before leaving for Bible Study

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October 26, 2021

No issues at all from the tooth (rather, the pulling thereof!) except for restricted diet. I got up early, had oatmeal (soft) and headed to Washington to meet Kelly. We had stuff for each other. It rained most of the

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October 25, 2021

There were no fresh deals at either store – just a few waiting on items before they can be processed. So I caught up a few things at home before I headed to Dr. Buckley’s office to get my tooth

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Trunk or Treat

Today’s weather prediction was on and off rain and clouds. We’ll see if Trunk or Treat is inside or outside! But Sunday School’s lesson was again about Esther. The kids made crowns and hats – Mordecai or Esther. Max held

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October 23, 2021

It was a very cool, dreary day and I was glad to just take my time: change & wash bed sheets, shower, breakfast. I had the other half of my giant muffin with tea. Oh – and here is a

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