Well, let’s see. What kind of adventures did I experience today? Nothing exciting, for sure! I had a medical test (routine/yearly) at the hospital this morning. As I had read online previously, the parking garage across from the hospital has closed – condemned and will be torn down. I walked along the sidewalk there to stay out of the rain, and it was creepy, like a spooky movie. It felt like it was going to just fall down right around me. Even the walkway bridge is closed. But I found my way to where I belonged, had my test, and went to see about getting my bloodwork done.
Normally, they said, I could get the bloodwork done at the hospital’s lab. But they were short staffed today, and the lab was closed. It really wasn’t that big of a deal, because there was a Quick Draw in the Commons across from the parking lot. So I did that (no use wasting a good fast). The technician could not find a vein in my right arm (I do have blood there; honestly!) so they tried the left arm, which worked. But barely. She still had trouble. So I have matching band aids on each arm, but thankfully no bruises.

But let me recap the last of yesterday. After I went with Nate, Jen and Chrissy to notarize something for them, we stopped at the Trailside Cafe for supper. Chris, Jen and I had salads, and Nate had a burger and fries. Jen had this frothy pink drink that looked cute in the glass! As we were driving out of West Newton I snapped a picture through the window of a little park right by the bridge. It looked festive and inviting.

Also, Kath sent me the picture that Paul took of her and I in the carriage house at West Overton Saturday night.

That was actually it for the day – I got stamps at the post office (used them all on Christmas cards!), worked at Pinnacle Jeannette, and come home to laundry and a little gift-wrapping. Next, I have ironing to do and then dinner!

Memory book – December 6th: Do you have any knowledge of how your first name was chosen? “My father always picked our names. I know my middle name, Jane, was his sisters middle name & he always told me I was given that because of how much he thought of her (Emma Jane Crooks Whitacre).” Now Millie has that middle name, too!
On this day in 1923 the first presidential address was broadcast on the radio by Calvin Coolidge; in 1964 Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer was first aired on TV. The first photo of the ‘Loch Ness Monster’ was published in 1933, and in 1865 the 13th amendment abolishing slavery was ratified. Wally Cox (voice of the cartoon UNDERDOG) was born in 1924; Agnes Moorehead (Samantha’s mother Endora) in 1900. St. Nicholas (model for Santa Claus – that’s why today was St. Nicholas day!) died in 343AD at age 73; Jefferson Davis – president of the Confederate States of America – died in 1889 at age 81. Roy Orbison died at age 52 in 1988 (sang Pretty Woman).

TOMORROW December 7 is:
- National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day
- National Illinois Day
- National Cotton Candy Day
- World Trick Shot Day
Tomorrow is also my friend’s birthday. We will talk a little bit about THAT tomorrow! Have a happy day. God bless…
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