I was thankful to get a better night’s sleep last night, and ready to get up this morning. Wayne’s message about managing our expectations was excellent; something I needed to hear in light of so many disappointments of people and events that did not come through. But as always, our little Sunday School class put energy into the morning. They are little sponges, soaking in everything they see and hear around them. Such a tremendous responsibility as a teacher, being certain they are fed and encouraged by God’s word, and focused on the eternal.

We did, however take a few minutes to to celebrate Max’s birthday with donuts and candles. The boys, of course, loved it. And since JJ’s birthday is next week, we lit the candles again and sang to him as well. Let’s just say that the boys were one step ahead of us the whole time!

Mary had a cute craft for them, where they painted the miniature crates and clothes pins and put ‘fake’ hay in. They will finish the project with baby Jesus next week.

I opened my Christmas cards from the Skunk Hollow girls, and the one from Beth had a coaster inside. I love it – someone knows my heart, both in coaster-collecting and for the Reason for the Season! Thank you, Beth! Also had a little snowman ornament from Karen V and a snowflake magnet from Colleen. Perfect! Thanks, Karen and Colleen… And a huge thank you again to Colleen for hosting!

I’ll try to recap the HCC Christmas program, but it was really fun! The idea was that two guys were DJ’s at a radio station (WHCC 1420am radio), and they shared a few memories and photos from each decade – from 1940’s through present. The members contributed their personal memories and pictures, and Shelagh grouped them into decades. There were also songs and appropriate dress for each decade, as well. My personal favorite was ELVIS (Blue Christmas) and the four ladies who sang ‘Let it Snow’. Everyone did a wonderful job!

I didn’t get a picture, but Dianne and Jim led the audiance in “Felice Navadad” and it was MORE than entertaining! Great fun; great job!
My part was last – I was Mary, but an older Mary reflecting back on Jesus’ birth (and death) and how the world has received and remembered both of those events. I was very nervous, but it went very well (God gets the credit for THAT!!!), and everyone enjoyed it. the kids’ choir (under the direction of Dianne) closed the program. My little Max (from Sunday School) came flying over afterwards and threw himself in my arms and told me I did a wonderful job! It was a lovely evening and I believe everyone took away laughter, smiles, and thoughts for reflection. It was very fun seeing the slideshows of family and friends from all those decades at Christmas! A huge thanks to Shelagh Robertson for putting it all together and keeping us sane!

Memory book – December 12th: (Starting holiday topics) When did you put up your Christmas tree? Where did you get them? “We usually put up the tree a few days before Christmas. We cut limbs from the big white pine tree that grew in our front yard. It was not easy to trim & it lost its long needles quick, as we didn’t have it in a tree holder with water. Just nailed to a board.”

On this day in 1787 Pennsylvania because the 2nd state to ratify the US constitution; in 1800 Washington DC was established as the capital of the US of A. In 1972 The Poseidon Adventure premiered; George Grant received the patent for the first golf tee in 1899, and Father Flanagan founded BOYS TOWN in 1917 (‘There’s no such thing as a bad boy’). Bob Barker was born in 1923; Frank Sinatra in 1915, and Connie Francis (singer) in 1938. Charley Pride, country singer, died in 2020, and in 1937 Jerry lee Lewis (22) married his 3rd cousin Myra Brown (13) while still married to his first wife.

TOMORROW December 13 is:
- National Cocoa Day
- National Violin Day
- National Day of the Horse
- Pick A Pathologist Pal Day
- National Guard Birthday
I feel very relieved that the program is successfully over, and looking forward to a more settled spirit in the weeks ahead! Have a great week before the week before Christmas! God bless…
Thanks, Marge. I took the liberty to download your pictures of the program.
That’s fine! Wish I would have taken one of you and Dianne – it was super great. Most entertaining part of the evening! 🙂