Today is Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day. Be sure and take time to remember that day, and the lives that were lost for our country. It was a horror to live through, but we must focus on the sacrifice to move us forward. God bless those who gave, and are still giving.

After work, I went Christmas shopping for a little while, then came home and made a huge pot of Stuffed Pepper Soup. I used red and green peppers – so it’s really Christmas soup! I just had a taster’s cup, and it was very good.
Basically I just want to take a few minutes to honor a friendship that began back in junior high – Youngwood Junior High, to be specific. Gen & I met in class, and had lunch together, and became fast friends. She was very outgoing and had lots of people around her all the time. I was in awe of the fact that she had six (SIX!!!) siblings, not to mention a Siamese cat! Wow…

But from there our friendship grew and bloomed, and we are still good friends today. We probably couldn’t be more different, but we respect each other’s choices and lifestyles and view, and always support and encourage each other. And share tears and laughter. I don’t know about her, but I learn from our discussions and am blessed by them – even if we don’t totally agree! She lives in New York now, so our time together is infrequent, but it is still and always precious and cherished. Happy birthday to my sweet friend Genevieve Elizabeth Cerk Morris!!! Love you!
I am unsure of the dates – most of them are NOT recent!

Memory book – December 7th: Do you have a Pearl Harbor Day memory? “Our family was my grandmother Margret Crooks, her oldest son Edd, my dad (Grandma’s youngest) my mother & us 4 kids. We were all at the table & Dad turned on the radio. The newsman was telling about the awlful attack on Pearl Harbor. That was the first time I remember hearing that name, Pearl Harbor. None of us ever forgot it from that day to this day in 2004.”

On this day in 1787 Delaware was the first state to ratify the US Constitution; in 1941, Japanese navy planes attacked US fleet at Pearl Harbor Navel Base, Hawaii, killing 2,403 people. Harry Morgan, actor (Dragnet and M*A*S*H) died in 2011 at age 96. Clarence Nash, the voice of Donald Duck and his nephews, was born in 1904 and Richard Warren Sears, co-founder of Sears, Roebuck and Company, in 1863. My cousin Gail’s granddaughter Autumn Patterson Ziegler has a birthday today. Happy birthday Autumn. Have a wonderful day and a very happy year! And of course, Happy birthday Gen!

TOMORROW December 8 is:
I am baking brownies on Friday for our Skunk Hollow Christmas party. I will celebrate then. Maybe I’ll PRETEND on Friday that it’s Wednesday! Have a great day – God bless…
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