HCC was very Christmasy this morning – the setting, the message, the lesson. It’s so important to keep focused on the reason for the season; on God’s beautiful and precious gift. As Wayne pointed out in the sermon, we have a tendency (as Martha did in the very familiar story) to get caught up in the urgent and not recognize the significant.

Our Sunday school lesson was the angel Gabriel’s visit to Mary. The boys are very into Santa right now, and it was wonderful to be able to emphasize the God is NOT one of Santa’s helpers (yes, we discussed that!). JJ & Max took turns being the ‘messenger’ and bringing the good news to Mary (my co-teacher’s name IS Mary!).

So I will share a bit from yesterday evening’s event at West Overton – the Candlelight Christmas Tour was very nice. We watched an 8 minute movie about the Overholts and the Fricks and their rolls in Westmoreland County. We walked around the museum, including a small area set up to represent the 1940’s, and included photos and information about the war. Even the restroom was nicely done!

The main house had four rooms decorated for Christmas. The candlelight – although very ascetically pleasing – did make it a bit difficult to see everything. We will definitely come back to see the house in the daylight, probably in the summer. The springhouse was the first building on the property, and displayed the comforts of guests in later years, after the main house was built.

We went into the detached kitchen, where we tasted a ginger bread and had hot wassail (non-alcoholic), and learned about oven temperatures and open hearth cooking. The carriage house had Santa’s sleigh all packed and ready for the pick trip!

And earlier in the day I had stopped at L&L Fleatique. I enjoyed this winter scene that someone had painstakingly arranged. There were plates of cookies there, as well!

Since I don’t foresee anything more exciting for the rest of the day except writing out Christmas cards, I decided to post early!
Memory book – December 5th: Did you ever have a bad experience with a haircut or a permanent? “My neighbor in Greensburg gave me a home perm in May 1986. I was marrying John June 21st. My hair was so ‘permed’ I looked like a wild woman. My nephew’s wife, Bonnie Crooks, is a beautician. She treated my hair and set it for my wedding day. Thank you, Bonnie.”

On this day in 1848 US President James K Polk triggered Gold Rush of 1849 by confirming a gold discovery in California. In 1933 FDR issued a proclamation declaring the end of prohibition. Walt Disney was born in 1901; George Armstrong Custer in 1839, and our 8th president Martin Van Buren in 1782. My great-niece Rosie Gump is 12 today! Happy birthday, Rosie – have a great day! Love you!

TOMORROW December 6 is:
- National Pawnbrokers Day
- National Microwave Oven Day
- National Gazpacho Day
- St. Nicholas Day
- Miners’ Day
Don’t forget to leave your shoes out on the porch for St. Nicholas to fill! If they freeze you can heat them in the microwave oven. Have a happy Monday and a great week! God bless…

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