Blog Archives

October 12, 2021

Another nice morning for a walk. I had several things to do at both stores, but then came straight home. I had a lot of inside work to do! After a salad for lunch, I cleaned and cut up veggies.

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October 11, 2021

It was a nice morning for a walk around the neighborhood. A few things to do at both stores, then I stopped at Aldi’s and Walmart for groceries. Didn’t need a lot but a few of the items were more

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October 10, 2021

Another beautiful day! After church Nathan came over and started on the second coat of paint on the shutters. They are finished now and look so good. I love them! There is one coat on the doors and he’ll do

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October 9, 2021

It may have been cloudy with rain outside, but inside the Steele House at Historic Hanna’s Town it was fun, sunny, and bright. At 9:30am a small group of volunteer ladies gathered in the kitchen to prepare and plate food

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October 8, 2021

Kelly & I were up and out the door a little before 9am. The boys were still sleeping as they were up very late playing video games. We parked at our friend Trent Perry’s house a few blocks off the

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October 7, 2021

This will be a short, almost uninteresting post! I took an early walk, worked at both stores, stopped and grabbed a few groceries, then came home and cleaned the house. Washed a load of towels, removed a drop of purple

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October 6, 2021

Early rising this morning. A little after 5am! But it gave me time to shower, eat breakfast, organize my backpack, and meet Teresa at the appointed time. We were leaving Greensburg right at 7am. It was a bit foggy, and

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October 5, 2021

It was a bright, beautiful day, all day! Early walk, worked both stores and helped out both Mikes. Still looking through old photos, but this time for pictures of Christmas Past for a church project. I took the Pack N

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October 4, 2021

I was up a little early this morning – got ready, had breakfast, and left for Latrobe. I was still looking for Kelly’s mugs, but no local Walmart has any left. Bummer. I did find a cute little black pumpkin

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October 3, 2021

I love my new chair. Sigh…. Also loved teaching the SS class about Esther. Part one of five. They were good listeners this morning. After church I drove straight up to Dilltown, specifically the Dillweed Bed and Breakfast. I kept

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