This was a quiet, productive and comfortable day. After breakfast I started cleaning upstairs. Took a lunch break (soup!), then cleaned downstairs. That is always a challenge with the floors, but the house is clean. I ran a small errand after I did a load of laundry, and I will leave for the angel Bible study about 6pm. I couldn’t find last week’s posted online.
I took a few pictures in the kitchen so I could remember next year what I did this year. I may have posted them before, but that’s all the excitement for today, anyway.

Other than it snowed for a bit this afternoon. It’s very cold.

Memory book – December 8th: Tell about your favorite store to browse in as a child. “The only store in Plumville was the Douds General Store. When we went to shop in Indiana, PA, I liked Murphy’s 5&10. J.C. Penny’s had a tube that the clerk put your money into, when you bought something. It shot up to a secretary-bookkeeper on the mezzanine where she made change & sent it back down to the clerk. It was fun to watch.”

On this day in 1980 John Lennon was shot and killed; in 1967 Otis Redding recorded ‘Sittin’ on the Dock of the Bay’ – he died two days later in a plane crash. Jim Morrison (The Doors) was born in 1943; Sammy Davis Jr. in 1925; Eli Whitney (inventor of the cotton Gin) in 1765, and Flip Wilson (‘The devil made me do it!) was born in 1933. John Glenn, astronaut, died in 2016. In 1872 Brigham Young married his 55th wife. UGH!

TOMORROW December 9 IS:
My Christmas cards are done. I’ll consider making pastry – or at least eating some! Have a happy Thursday. God bless…

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