Beautiful day! Spent part of it outside, but did laundry and ironing and listened to 3 of my sermon messages. Nate came over and hung a few hooks for me in the bathroom behind the door. Then Chrissy and I went shopping for shorts for her – but knowing Chrissy, it’s never just about shorts – it’s about shirts too! So she got several of each. Then cut the grass.

We picked up Autmn and then went back to Nate’s for a cookout – just the five of us. Hot dogs, burgers, salads, corn – yummy! Chris climbed the big tree in the back yard, and Autmn stayed on the ground. Nate had power washed the animal crates and Chrissy crawled in one – Autmn shut her in! We saw a Chinese Lantern landing out on the street, so the girls ran to catch it – then saw another one drift over head. They are bigger than I thought they would be!

Piggy was outside nosing around in the dirt while Jen and Nate were making sure the fire pit got going. We had a really nice time together

Today I will share Paul’s Memorial Day message from River Hill – Living Memorials. A Memorial is something designed to keep remembrances alive. We should reflect on willingness to service and what it cost. 1. Never forget – remember the cost. Monuments help us remember what we have. 2. Offer a way for us to remember – use them to tell the stories to our children and future generations – and give honor. These people lay down their lives for their friends; they were committed to the cause, willing to face fears and move forward at all cost. How do we accept these sacrifices? 3. Be thankful – every time we remember. It doesn’t come naturally; we have to learn gratitude. Dwell on the good, not the sad. 4. Jesus gives us a living memorial – communion. It’s an eternal reminder. We should be living memorials for Jesus that others see. During the Civil War both sides could pay someone to take their place as a soldier and go to fight in their place. That is what Jesus did for us. God LOVED us and sent his son. Jesus is our substitute. We should focus on National freedom and Spiritual freedom. If Jesus sets us free, we are free indeed! Memorial Day is all about freedom – paid for! Are we thankful? Will we remember?

On this day in 1790 the US Copyright law was enacted, and in 1837 the Astor Hotel (later called Waldorf Astoria) opened in NYC. In 1879 Madison Square Garden opened and was dedicated to the 4th president James Madison. Dr. John Harvey Kellogg patented flaked cereal in 1884, and in 1889, 2209 people died in the Johnstown (PA) flood. In 1911 the RMS Titanic launched in Belfast to be tested, and in 1968 Jimmy Stewart retired from the US Air Force after 27 years. Jack Dempsey, boxer, died at age 86 in 1983. Birthdays: Clint Eastwood in 1930; Joe Namath in 1943; Brooke Shields in 1965. My friend Cathy Rose (Hertzog) is celebrating a birthday today – we were in youth group together at Hempfield Church back in the 60’s. Those were great times! Happy Birthday, Cathy!

June 1
- World Reef Awareness Day
- National Olive Day
- National Heimlich Maneuver Day
- National Go Barefoot Day
- National Nail Polish Day
- National Say Something Nice Day
- National Penpal Day
- National Hazelnut Cake Day
Tomorrow is a brand new month – the unofficial start of summer. School is almost out, graduations are already happening, pools are opening – hang on for a fun, fantastic summer! God bless…

Here in the Great State of Floridia (the misspelling is intentional), June 1 is the start of hurricane season. So far, all clear.