March 2, 2025

Today was the hymn sing at River Hill Church of Christ where Paul and Kathy worship and Paul preaches. I’ve been there numerous times. Everyone is so happy and friendly and casual. And I’m getting to know some of the people there. I left about 9am and headed to Monongahela. Mostly it was an easy, nice drive, but part way down Route 70 I hit a curtain of snow. It was thick and swirling and blowing. The roads were fine but it was a strange mile or so. Then, it was gone!

Snow Swirl Royalty-Free Images, Stock Photos & Pictures ...

Paul had a little mini-message before the singing, about singing and joy. We are to Sing to God with gratitude a new song – it should be fresh every day. Songs are from scripture, and music leads to a closer walk with the Lord. Hymns are love songs in our life – expressing joy and love and praise, tragedy and being downhearted and disappointed. Jesus is always with us so we don’t lose our way. “I will sing praise to Him all my life.” Rejoice always and be thankful. God will guide us to peace. Lift your eyes and heart to God — and SING!

Paul preaching.

Patty Buschek was doing the hymn sing. She had been sick since December and this was the first that she’d been out to play piano since then. We were so blessed that she felt well enough to lead the hymns with the piano. Her daughter Christin Slatt drove her down so she didn’t have to deal with traffic or traveling. It was also nice to see Christin.

Patty can play anything — and she did!

Hearing the old, familiar hymns that I grew up hearing and singing was wonderful! For me it was like long-ago Sunday nights at Hempfield Church, with the Heavenaires performing and Jug leading us in song. Or Sunday Mornings at Old Mahoning Baptist, with Aunt Joan playing piano, when we were at the cabin.

message screen.

The idea was to take turns calling out a favorite hymn and Patty would play. Paul lead the singing. You can’t can’t stump Patty! And the amazing thing is that she always enhances the music. All the songs were lively or reverent or happy. I wanted to pick a song but I just couldn’t pick a favorite, so I let everyone else pick. No one was disappointed. So glad I could be there!

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Yes – we sang this one!

After the service, we all walked across the hall to the gathering area. The committee worked together to provide lunch and fellowship. Unfortunately, my favorite is always the dessert, which I should be avoiding! But I didn’t – I had cookies (yum). Kathy bought a cake and decorated it as piano. It was a big hit! They had a St. Patrick’s day tree on the stage, and the tables were decorated with shamrocks and flowers. Very welcoming and yummy! I again got to spend a little time with Patty and Christin. I’ve known Patty since I was in Middle School – she was my mentor. She even taught me to play the organ when my parents bought me one for my birthday one year. So we go way back.

Piano keys cake
St Patrick’s tree

Paul left after lunch and went to a preaching conference in Indianapolis. I was able to bring Kathy home and same him back-tracking. We had a fun chat on the way home and caught up, since she was in TN last week. All in all it was a great day and I feel blessed and refreshed.

Geographical vs. Journey Maps | Smaply Blog
Map of who knows where???

SCRIPTURE of the day, courtesy of River Hill Church sign:

PEANUTS? – courtesy of River Hill fellowship area:

TOMORROW February 3rd is:

33 Flavors Day; Canadian Bacon Day; Caregiver Appreciation Day; Clean Monday; Fun Facts about Names Day; International Irish Whiskey Day; National Anthem Day; National Cold Cuts Day; National I want You to Be Happy Day; National Soup it Forward Day; Navy Reserve Birthday; Peach Blossom Day; World Hearing Day; World Wildlife Day; National Read Across America Day (Dr. Seuss Day).

Hopefully, 33 flavors of ice cream! I haven’t had Canadian bacon in DECADES. I clean mostly on Wednesday. I always want you to be happy. I can read but probably from here. Not going anywhere! God bless…

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