Feels like forever since I was outside for a morning walk, but it was only since Friday. Felt nice to be outside in the fresh air and sunshine. Worked both stores – but they traded out my car first thing. It’s a Buick Encore and that is one of my favorite cars to drive! So I’m happy about that. It’s silver.

Rege (my boss in Jeannette) showed me a picture of a fawn curled up in the corner of his front porch. His wife Jean went outside and there it was! It was there for some time – and then was gone! Cute little thing – spots are really visible.

Changed my Snoopy flag today from patriotic to graduation! Just a few more days, Miss Autmn Rose Stairs Burke! Yea!

After lunch I took the decorations down and packed them away, then went out to weed a few of the flower beds. Of course I didn’t finish, but again, fresh air and busy hands are good things!
I will share the message from Martin’s Ferry – guest minister Henry Lewis – on Love. Last week was Pentecost, and he shared some of the facts about the original feasts and the gift of the Holy Spirit arriving. He focused on how everyone could understand what was said in their own language, and there were a vast number of different nations represented. He also talked about a paraclete – which is someone who ‘has your back’ – or is a helper and advocate for you. The Holy Spirit is our paraclete – a gift given on the day of Pentecost – BUT he’s still here! We just have to reach out to him. We have God with us every day. Then the question is: What is YOUR language? How do you communicate with people so they can understand? It should be LOVE, which is God’s language. What are you willing to do to share God’s language of love?

On this day in 1533 Anne Boleyn was crowned Queen of England, and in 1638 there was the first recorded earthquake in the US in Plymouth MA. The first Quakers arrived in New Amsterdam (NY) in 1657, and in 1774 the port of Boston was closed to punish the colonists for the Boston Tea Party. In 1792 Kentucky became the 15th state, and in 1796 Tennessee the 16th. The first skirmish of the Civil War was in 1861 at Fairfax Courthouse VA, and 1864 was the Battle of Cold Harbor, VA. Daniel Crouch was in that battle – Read LETTERS TO MARY to find out more! Birthdays: Brigham Young – religious leader – in 1801, Andy Griffith in 1926, Marilyn Monroe in 1926 as well; Pat Boone (my Mom’s heart throb in her day!) in 1934, Paul Coffey (Hockey player) in 1961, and Heide Klum, supermodel, in 1973. James Buchanan, 15th president of the US, died at age 77 in 1868; Lizzie Borden (wild story there!) at age 66 in 1927, and Helen Keller at age 87 in 1968. In 1949 Lucy And Desi married for the 2nd time, and in 1991 Roseanne Barr and Tom Arnold remarried. And today my daughter Kelly and her husband Matt have been married 19 years (that’s a long time – seems like yesterday!); my Skunk Hollow cousin Karen O’s daughter Brenda and her husband Derek have an anniversary today, and although it was posted today, Chip and Joanna Gaines were married on May 31, 2003. So happy, loving wishes to these couples – may your lives be blessed over and over as you share them together! Special wishes and lots of love to Kelly and Matt!

TOMORROW June 2 is:
- National Rotisserie Chicken Day
- National Rocky Road Day
- National Bubba Day
- National First Ladies Day
- National Leave The Office Early Day
- National Running Day
Tomorrow Kath and I are planning a trip to visit John – it will be a short visit in the nursing facility, but it’s something important that is on our hearts. So off we go! Please pray for a safe trip and for John’s peace and comfort. Have a great day – God bless!

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