Went to early service then had breakfast with Mary – I have really come to enjoy those times together! It’s great to have friends that hold each other up and still keep our feet on the ground. On the way home I stopped at the cemetery (I pass it several times a week) to visit Dad. The flags the entire way down the lane are impressive and moving. Also took a photo of the one plot – all the little flags in the distance represent those who served – and that’s just one small section. So many gave so much.

I drove down to Kelly’s, and we spent the day cleaning up the porch and the yard and even ran errands. Met Matt and Peyton at Cold Stone Creamery (I NEVER go there – it was a treat! Thanks, Matt, for my Mint Chocolate Chip!). We even lit the burn pile and filled the entire valley with smoke! There were lots of damp shrub trimmings and clippings in that pile… Even visited with the pigs! They looked happy in their little pen.

I will share Kyle’s message from Hempfield – from the book of James – Wisdom. Two kinds – worldly and Biblical. Often the URGENT pushes aside the IMPORTANT – it’s difficult to balance those. Biblical wisdom involves living the good life, with good deeds – and living it out. In the world view, we dictate our own life, but in Biblical we know that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom – putting our faith into practice and obeying God; God is wise as no one else is! God’s character should fill us and ooze out of us! Earthly wisdom results in selfish, destructive practices. Is it US on the throne, or GOD on the throne? If our faith never changed us, WE are on the throne. Show your wisdom by living the good life and doing good deeds; put God on the throne. Don’t be overwhelmed by the urgent – it pushes God off the throne. Focus on the important, and do the urgent in a way that honors God – do eternal things!

On May 30th in history, in 1431 – 19 year old Joan of Arc was burned at the stake, and in 1848 William G Young patented the ice cream freezer (gotta love that guy! – he needs his OWN DAY!!!). In 1968 Decoration Day (Memorial Day) was first observed in the northern US, and in 1906 Hersheypark opened. The Lincoln Memorial was dedicated in 1922, and the Beatles’ ‘Love Me Do’ was #1. Finding Nemo was released in 2003. Benny Goodman was born in 1909. Wilbur Wright, aviator, died in 1912 at age 45. In 1536 Henry VIII married Jane Seymour, his 3rd wife, and in 1966 Dolly Parton married Carl Dean (they are still married!).

TODAY May 31st is:
- Autonomous Vehicle Day
- National Save Your Hearing Day
- National Speak in Sentences Day
- National Macaroon Day
- National Utah Day
- National Smile Day
- Necrotizing Fasciitis Awareness Day
- National Memorial Day
God Bless the USA – and all who have worked and sacrificed and died for our rights as Americans. The least we can do is to honor them and uphold that which is sacred and cherished. God Bless…
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