February 27, 2025

I had several things to do in Jeannette. They got the estimate for the Ford and it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. The guy’s insurance will cover everything. So that’s one thing off the list. A big thanks to Barry for handling it in such a comfortable and gentlemanly way, and for Father Basil for being supportive and responsible for the damages.

Another scratch picture

Nate was doing touchup painting so I came straight home. He got the closet door done that we had to sand off last summer, and the big closet doors that were scratched and marked. Also got a first coat on the new door that goes to the garage. All good and very professional.

Closet door under the steps doen
Door to garage and closet doors done.
Door to garage

I decided I was going to get new shower curtains for the laundry room shelves. I went out for two hours — Ollies, TJMaxx, Marshalls, Walmart, Big Lots, Ross’s. Nothing. So not sure what I’ll do. Keep looking, I guess. I did find really cute Snoopy sheets at Marshalls but they didn’t have Full size. Bummer. Marshalls also had about 8 different styles of Snoopy fleece blankets. I couldn’t bring myself to purchase one since I have so many blankets already! Couldn’t make up my mind, anyway — too many to choose from!

Wrong size for me.

I did find new gray rugs for the downstairs bathroom and laundry room. The old ones were threadbare. I couldn’t find burgundy anywhere so gray it was. They do look nice!

Laundry room

Autmn sent me a happy picture of Cameron. He’s getting so big! I really need to get a hug from this little guy — soon!

My happy little boy!

Chrissy found a few things at the thrift store that her mom worked at – Snoopy! So cute, and so sweet a granddaughter to think of me!

Peanuts bouquet
Christmas mug.

The sky this evening was beautiful. After having some light rain and clouds most of the day, this was most welcome!

Beautiful sky.

SCRIPTURE of the DAY combined with PEANUTS?:

TOMORROW February 28th is:

228 Memorial Day; Car Keys and Small Change Day; Floral Design Day; National Chocolate Soufflé Day; National Essay Day; National Pancake day; National Public Sleeping Day; Skip the Straw Day; U.S. Snow Shoe Day; National Rare Disease day; National Tooth Fairy Day.

Tomorrow is the last day of February! I’m awful at floral design and soufflĂ©s. I’m ok with essays and pancakes, but I don’t normally sleep in public if I can avoid it. I’ve had my share of dental issues but haven’t seen that tooth fairy for decades. God bless…

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