I forgot to say yesterday that Kelly and Chase would be here until Wednesday so I probably won’t post until Wednesday or Thursday. They are short a vehicle so I had to meet them in Washington, and will have to take them back down on Wednesday. So it depends on how late it is as to whether I post on Wednesday. Wishing you happy days and lot of smiles!



TOMORROW March 4th is:
Marching Music Day; National Pancake Day; Fat Tuesday; Benjamin Harrison Day; Courageous Follower Day; Hug a G.I. Day; March Forth; National Dance the Waltz Day; National Grammar Day; National Pound Cake Day; Toy Soldier Day; Unique Names Day; National Sons Day; National Salt Awareness Week.
I love my son! Here’s a virtual hug! Grammar is important no matter what the txt crowd believes. I am very aware of salt – it’s my friend. Hope Tuesday is fun for you! God bless…
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