June 2, 2021

We left Greensburg this morning a little before 8am and headed north to Edinboro to see John. There was a bit of a drizzle and lots of clouds but little traffic and no issues. Edinboro Manor is a beautiful facility, and we were able to visit for over an hour with John. He was in good spirits and was interested in everything we said – but we didn’t have too much exciting to say! He’s a little thinner but has good color and seems to appreciate the care he is being given.

Edinboro Manor
Visiting with John

We stopped by the ‘farm’ (as John calls it!) and Barb met us there to let us in. I was looking for a certain book that Mom had (couldn’t find it!) but we did come across a few small things that we brought back. We don’t plan to take anything from the house unless all the kids are together. Kath and I did pick a few garden flags that we had purchased originally, and I hung a very colorful one on my shed. It brightens up the bottom yard.

Garden flag for the back yard

The other thing I wanted to get was a plaque that I got in Sunday School on my 7th birthday. Mom loved it and hung it in her kitchen, both in Greensburg and Albion. It has special meaning to me and I felt like it needed to come home with me. Also brought the matching gazebo to my red one (hers was blue). Just a few tiny things to take us back to those days of our younger times! They are things that I will cherish.

From Sunday School – June 18, 1957
My gazebo with a little cow peeking out
Gazebo with the little couple on the park bench

I will share Scott’s message from First Baptist – Anti-humanist manifesto. Here is the catch: We try to be good, and think we are good, but still feel guilty for reasons we can’t figure out. So we set our own standards of good, and as life changes and our choices change, we change those standards to adapt to our choices, desires, and thoughts. We feel guilt, because we ARE guilty. We sin. Jesus died to set us free and forgive our sins and erase our guilt. Don’t define goodness by comparing yourself with others – GOD is goodness itself, not just good; He’s good all the time, while we seek our own agendas. We fall short in 1) understanding, 2) motives, 3) speech, 4) practice. We need grace. We struggle with goodness every day – but God is good, ALL THE TIME!

Scott from First Baptist

On this day in 1835 P T Barnum circus went on first US tour, and in 1862 Robert E Lee took command of the confederate armies of North Virginia. The second day of the battle of Cold Harbour was in 1864, and in 1875 Alexander Graham Bell made his first sound transmission. In 1928 Kraft rolled out Velveeta Cheese (and changed our world!!!); in 1933 FDR authorized the first swimming pool to be built inside the White House, and in 1953 was the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II. Lou Gehrig, baseball player and hall-of-famer, died at age 37 from ALS in 1941. and in 1886 U.S. President Grover Cleveland (49) wed Frances Folsom (21), 1st presidential marriage to be held at the White House (He was the 22nd and 24th presidents). Johnny Weissmuller (actor who played Tarzan) was born in 1904, and today ‘Aunt Kimmie’ (Matt’s sister Kim) is celebrating a birthday! Happy birthday, Aunt Kimmie – have a great day and enjoy being with your Kentucky family!

Confederate General Robert E. Lee
Robert E Lee – confederate General
Velveeta Original Cheese (5 lbs.)
Velveeta cheese
May be an image of 2 people, including Kim Wright and tree
Aunt Kimmie and her husband Greg

TOMORROW June 3 is:

Have a happy Thursday, and enjoy your egg, enjoy your egg, enjoy your egg… Wait – I’m repeating myself! God bless!

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