April 30, 2021

As promised, here it is the last day of April, 2021. It was a very chilly walk this morning, but at least I finally got out to walk! And it turned out to be a profitable one – the neighbor was getting a deck refurbished, and I was able to connect with the contractor. He’s going to give me a quote on getting some upgrades on mine. The sun and the wind both stuck around for the morning, enough that I could get the grass mowed and a few little garden projects done. I came in to switch laundry loads and have lunch – and the rains came. Almost feels like winter again with the cold, damp, cloudy afternoon.

A little color in the gardens
Bleeding hearts blooming

Jen’s rescue – Ninth Life – is having a fundraiser flea market again this year – tomorrow and Sunday. We went last year and there was SO MUCH STUFF! Hope you support the rescue and stop over!


I ushered for Bear at a play tonight at the Civic Center. The sky and the mountains were so beautiful I wanted to share them. Bear and I stood outside (it felt like it was freezing but was a ‘feels like’ of 38*) and talked for 45 minutes. It’s always so good to catch up, and we can talk about any subject under the sun! We could have USED some warm sun tonight!

Pink and purple sky
Bear and I
Mountains and….

I will share Paul’s message from River Hill. These are the kinds of sermons I remember growing up with Raldo Cook as minister at HCC – back to basics, setting your heart and mind on the roots of Christianity. Biblical truths that are foundational. The message was The Blessing of Restoration. Here are some notes (And they are just touching the surface of the message) of how our lives and Churches should exist: All Christians are unified and patterned after the early church. There is ONE church, and we stand on the Bible. The Five-finger memory plan – We hear, believe, repent, confess, be baptized. Then live the Christian Life. Christian Churches and Churches of Christ are: 1) Non-denominational 2) The Bible is our text book 3) We are Christians only but not the only Christians 4) Believe in baptism by emersion 5) Partake in the Lord’s supper (Communion) every Sunday. What was the early church devoted to? 1) Apostle’s teaching (God’s word/Bible) 2) Fellowship – to each other, where we get our strength 3) Prayer – brings us into the throne room of God, the creator of the universe 4) Breaking of Bread – Lord’s supper. This shows us How He lived, Why He died, What He said, What He prayed. Communion shouldn’t become commonplace. We can’t live without it. JESUS is really our life: Teaching is JESUS; fellowship is with JESUS, pray in JESUS’ name; communion IS JESUS. LOVE is the greatest commandment.

Paul from River Hill

On this day in 1492 Christopher Columbus is given royal commission by Spanish monarchs Isabella I and Ferdinand II to equip his fleet to the New World. In 1789 George Washington was inaugurated as the first President of the United States, and in 1803 the Louisiana Purchase Treaty doubled the size of the United States. In 1945 ‘Arthur Godfrey Time’ began a 27 year run on CBS Radio. And in 1945 Adolf Hitler and his wife committed suicide (he was 56) when the Red Army captured the city. In 1997 42 million viewers watched as Ellen DeGeneres publicly declared she was gay. Agnes Moorehead died at age 73 in 1974 (Endora on Bewitched). Birthdays today – my children’s father – Stoney Burke – was born on this date; my former boss, Jim Smail, has a birthday today, and my great friend Teresa Shanta is celebrating today. We have held each other up through good times and bad, and shared lots of adventures and road trips. Happy birthday and have a great day!

May be an image of Lindsey Amelia Schneider and Smail Smail, people standing and outdoors
Jim Smail with his daughter Lindsey Schneider
Stoney Burke
5th US President James Monroe
5th President James Monroe – Louisiana Purchase Treaty
Teresa hard at work!
May be an image of 2 people, including Marge Burke and people smiling
Teresa and I on an adventure!

TOMORROW May 1st is:

Who would have thought there was so much to celebrate on May 1st? I will be playing outside – as, again, Historic Hanna’s Town opens for tours tomorrow! Come join us!

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2 comments on “April 30, 2021
  1. Teresa Shanta says:

    Thanks Marge for remembering me. 🤗 I believe we should plan a antique shopping day soon. May is a spring into action month.

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