It will probably be hard for me to remember what we did all week! Kelly and Chase were here from Monday until yesterday afternoon. I got up early Monday and mixed up bread as that was one of Kelly’s requests. It takes all day to rise and bake so it was a good start. That’s what we had for supper.

While it was rising we ran out to the store. Both of us were looking for certain things. We stopped at Gabe’s and she got a purse – hers was falling apart. I got little shamrock socks for baby doll Dottie. They look so cute!

Kelly and I cooked chicken and shredded it for the tacos on the 15th. I’ll still make beef ones too. Chase wanted Quesadillas so he had that for supper while we had our fresh, warm bread with butter. The chicken is in the freezer for now.

I forgot to post the picture of coming down off the hill from River Hill Church on Sunday – see the river in the center?

We had a slow start on Tuesday just because we could! I picked up ingredients to make Oreo Ice Cream, and I can serve it Monday to the PEEPS (they are coming here) and have plenty left in case someone wants some on the 15th. It stays fresh in the freezer for a long time. Kelly also made a sample flower magnet for her crochet class. There will be color choices. Isn’t it cute?

Kelly and I had Grilled Cheese for lunch (with homemade bread) and Chase had pancakes. We ordered pizza for supper because it’s a Hancher favorite. I made a few notes about the story for the SHWF and hope to get that done tomorrow and Saturday.

Autmn sent a video of Cameron – he’s saying lots of words! I can’t transfer videos to this site so I just snapped a screen shot. He was waving and saying Hi! He also said all our names, very clearly. Especially CeeCee (Christina) and Gigi (Grama Jen).

Nate came first thing Wednesday and finished the touch up painting and also painted the shower wall in the laundry room. It used to be deep burgundy and now it’s the darker gray. I hope to eventually find new gray shower curtains since the old ones are ripping.

I took Kelly and Chase back to Washington after lunch. Traffic and weather were fine until I started home. Rain and wind. But I got almost half way home and the sun came out, and a huge rainbow stretched across the whole sky. For a while it was a double but I couldn’t get pulled over in time to get that picture. I followed the rainbow all the way to Youngwood!

Once I got home I noticed that there was a hyacinth popping up in the garden! That is very exciting! Then I started in cleaning and did the whole house. I was going to do half yesterday and half today but once I got started I just kept going. I was late getting to bed but I fell asleep quickly and slept well.

Today I had a full day until about 1pm when I got home. Worked at Pinnacle, talked to Rege a while, then helped Mike P with a deal. From there I stopped at the bank, then picked up a prescription and got some ice cream for the weekend. Got a gray light switch cover (to replace the brown one) for the new laundry wall, then got gas in the Nissan, stopped for stamps (waved to Dad), and came home for lunch. I hope to do a little writing next. I was going to make cream of potato soup but forgot to get potatoes. So maybe that will be on tomorrow’s list.

I knew Aunt Hazel (Mom’s sister) was born in March and was looking up the date when I discovered that today was the anniversary of her death in 2007. I’m glad I could take a moment and remember my sweet aunt!



TOMORROW March 7th is:
World Day of Prayer; Alexander Graham Bell Day; Friday Fish Fry Day; National Be Heard Day; National Cereal Day; National Day of Unplugging; National Dress in Blue Day; National Employee Appreciation Day; National Flapjack Day; National Tartar Sauce Day; Plant Power day; Sock Monkey Day.
Every day should involve prayer! I’m grateful for Mr. Bell’s invention, for sure. Also looking forward to some great Fish this Lentin season. Below is my sock monkey and his lamb buddy!

PS – I’m almost caught up – one more thing to post but have to get info from Kelly later!
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