May 1st 2021

What a beautiful day, and a perfect day for the season opening of Historic Hanna’s Town. There was a good turnout, and I spent the day with friends, old and new. It was fun to help open the buildings, secure the shutters, meet the militia, walk the ground. I met the master gardener who was working the kitchen garden back to life, ready for planting. The first tour of the morning was at 11am and I shadowed that tour, getting a feel for the new tour path and information, plus the two new sites. My friend Teresa stopped out in the afternoon, and she and I did a private tour, which was fun for both of us. I like working with Pam (one of the directors) and meeting new guides.

Proctor’s Militia building us a nice fire in the tavern
Master Gardener cleaning up – left beds weeded and clean; right ones still cluttered!
Proctor’s Militia outside the stockade
We have a nice fire going now! (Thanks to the cute militia guy who works for beer!)

The first message I’m sharing is from Rod at Martin’s Ferry- Forgiveness is a decision. We have to start with forgiving ourselves, which is the hardest person to forgive. The closer you are to the person, the harder it is to forgive. Your enemy is the easiest, and friends a little harder. We are human, not God, but we can be a child of God. We make mistakes; there is some Judas in every one of us. We think we’re not good enough – but the answer is to forgive ourselves. If the Lord has forgiven us, who are we to question that? We have to forgive and accept forgiveness, and restore our relationship with ourselves. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive and purify us. Accept and offer forgiveness.

Rod from Martin’s Ferry

Also, Scott’s message from First Baptist – The treasure of the Gospel (Good News). We must share and say the message of the gospel as it is – it contains the power of God and IS the greatest way to serve. What will we do with Jesus? The Gospel carries it’s own power which is the message of redemption and forgiveness of sin. We are a chosen people, God’s special possession. We WERE darkness; but now are the light! Live in the Light!

Scott from First Baptist

On this day in 1840 the world’s first adhesive postage stamp was issued by Great Britain, and in 1939 Batman first appeared in Detective Comics. Mr. Potato Head was introduced in 1952, and SpongeBob Square Pants in 1999. Calamity Jane, frontierswoman, was born in 1852, Jack Paar, TV host, in 1918, and Country musician and singer Tim McGraw in 1967. David Livingston, explorer, died in 1873 at age 60, and in 1967 Elvis Presley married Priscilla Beaulieu in Las Vegas.

SpongeBob Square Pants
We had these Mr. Potato Heads – you got the pieces but used real potatoes!

TOMORROW May 2nd is:

Ooooh! Lemonade. Made me thirsty! And as for today’s ‘day’ I did play outside in the sunshine all day! I’ll see what happens tomorrow. God Bless….

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