Very cold (20*)! But the sun is shining so that makes it tolerable.
Our ‘kids’ made Gingerbread Houses at church and they were on display this morning. They were all very good, but my favorite was the one with the little pond in the yard. And the one with green grass is pretty too.
Green grassThe pool in the back.
Todd’s message was about power over the Kingdom. He sent the angels to lowly shepherds in a dark field. His message belongs to all of us, lowly or who the world thinks is important. And He came to save, not condemn. The lost people are not our ‘projects’; we should love them. Let the peace of God rule in your heart. You are your own worst enemy; and you are NOT God. Let God be God; you can’t fix it! You need to take deep breaths, then rest.
After church I stopped at Walmart to pick up a few things for Christmas Eve supper. I expected it to be VERY crowded and difficult but it actually went just fine. The lines were almost all open and were moving quickly. The worst part of the entire thing was that people were seeing friends and stopping in the aisles to chat! Lots of clogs.
I got a Christmas Card from the guys that cut back my trees! That’s sort of a first, that a vender sent a card. It was nice – pictures of his family (whom I never met!)! And I also got a very poignant card from the Smail family – on the front was a picture of their cottage in Canada, and the back was a picture of Jeff and Mark at the lake. They looked happy and healthy. How quickly so much can change!
I passed Suzie Squirrel back to Kathy. December is her birthday month so it’s her turn. We usually do that on birthdays, but this was a Christmas theme and I wanted Suzie to sit out and enjoy the holidays! She does have a staff (she’s a shepherd!) but I took the picture without it. She’ll be back with me in June!
I boiled potatoes and eggs so tomorrow and Tuesday I can put some things together for Christmas Eve. Can’t do anything too early – I need it to be fresh. But the boiling part is ok.
It’s been a long time since I lit a candle – so the family room has a beautiful vanilla fragrance.
My blessing today was surviving crowds at Walmart 3 days before Christmas!
PEANUTS Thought for the Day:
TOMORROW December 23rd is:
National Christmas Movie Marathon Day; National Roots Day (ancestors, not plants); National Pfeffernusse Day (It’s a cookie); National Glow Day; Festivus.
Yesterday’s fake day was National Flake Day. TOMORROW: No question – I’ll be doing the Christmas movie marathon! And we can blame Festivus on Seinfeld! God bless…
Only a few more days until Santa! SANTA! I KNOW HIM! (Movie quote…) I got up extra early to prep for the day. Changed sheets, got ready, had breakfast. Kathy and Paul picked me up at 8:15am and we parked at Kyle and Sarah’s. We headed to Pittsburgh to the Byham Theater to see A Musical Christmas Carol.
Pittsburgh skyline
As is typical, we exited the tunnels going into the city and the skyline was impressive. And there was sunshine! But it was very cold and windy. Thankfully there is a parking garage across from the theater and we only had to cross the street.
Corner tree
We were there in plenty of time. There were 6 of us: Kathy, Paul, Sarah and Kyle and Millie, and me. Wyatt stayed home with Kyle’s dad, Chuck. I only got a few photos inside – there was not supposed to be pictures during the play. But it was a very nice performance and there’s always a certain magic to live theater!
Grama Kathy helping Millie choose her ticket.Kyle and Millie in the lobbyKyle, Millie, SarahMillie, Me, Kathy, PaulA Musical Christmas Carol set – we were first row in the balcony.Ghost of Christmas Past – in white.Ghost of Christmas PresentBeautiful picture! – but notice Sarah making bunny ears behind Kathy! 🙂
When we came out of the theater it was snowing! Paul had chosen The Redbeard for us to eat lunch. I had a fish sandwich and it was very good – but huge. I brought half of it home to have for supper.
Stock imageOur second floor table by the window.Fish sandwich – stock image
The drive home was blustery until we – again – got through the tunnels. There was still a bit of snow on the ground but it wasn’t snowing and the roads were clear. We all enjoyed seeing the city in the snow. It really was beautiful.
Street light in the snowBarely see buildings
So now it’s back to reality and I need to make my list for the next 3 days – work and shopping and prepping. It did snow a bit since we got home but I don’t think we are to get any more.
My deck
My blessing today was a Pittsburgh trip with my family!
PEANUTS Thought for the Day:
TOMORROW December 22nd is:
Forefather’s Day; Mathematics Day; National Flake Day; National Cookie Exchange Day; National Nut Bread Day.
Yesterday’s fake day was National Fly Day. TOMORROW: I can do cookies and nut bread, but I’ve never been good at math! And celebrating forefathers is embracing history! God bless…
Five more days! I bet all the little ones are wound up and have enough energy to power Santa’s sleigh! And speaking of little ones, I haven’t seen Cameron in a while. Noah’s schedule and the weather are making it tough. I’ll see them soon I hope!
Who needs reindeer when you have littles???
I started the morning out by mixing up bread dough and setting it to rise. Just did a few household chores, ate lunch, and then decided to trek down to L&L Fleatique, for no specific reason. I found a little cow for my farm scene, and a spoon rest for the stove. Those are the little things I enjoy, rather than eating out or splurging on frequent movies or hi-ticket shopping. I can manage spending a few dollars every couple of weeks!
My little cow.Snowflake spoon rest
A few things caught my attention at L&L. One was a Shirley Temple paper doll set. Karen Ober (Skunk Hollow Cousin) and I used to stay up late (without permission!) and play paper dolls. Her favorite was the Lennon Sisters – and if I could have found those I would have sent them to her! Such happy memories…
Another thing I saw was a set of little figurines that spelled N-O-E-L. We had a set of little candle holders, and when no one was looking Dad would rearrange the figures to spell E-L–N-O! He always denied it, of course!
This Sunflower dresser also caught my eye! It’s something I though Kelly would love. It was also look super cool in my Crooks room!
By the time I was on my way home, traffic was backed up on Route 30 for as far as I could see. I had planned on going home the back way but needed gas in the car for the weekend.
Route 30 West between Sam’s Club and Walmart.
When I finally got home, I put the bread in loaves and they are currently rising. I can probably bake them about 7pm, and I’ll have a warm slice for supper.
doughThree out of the five loaves.
Last night before I went to bed I snapped a pic of my neighbor’s house across the street. They have LED lights and they sparkle and shine and it’s beautiful to see!
My blessing for today was just thinking of so many precious friends!!!
PEANUTS Thought for the Day:
TOMORROW December 21st is:
Blue Christmas Service; Don’t Make Your Bed Day; Humbug Day; Anne (Frank) and Samantha (Smith) Day; Look on the Bright Side Day; National Crossword Puzzle Day; National Flashlight Day; National Fly Day; National French Fried Shrimp Day; Short Girl Appreciation Day; Winter Solstice; World Snowboard Day.
Yesterday’s fake day was National Turkey Neck Day; Tomorrow: Anne and Samantha, for sure! Not only will I make my bed, but I’ll change the sheets! There were a lot of obscure and off-the-wall celebration suggestions. So pick the ones that appeal to you! Like, Kelly – Short girl appreciation? And Daniel Morris – Snowboard? I think I remember a connection there. So let’s just all look on the bright side! God bless…
Man, I didn’t sleep last night! I was up until almost 4am. My mind was racing and just would not stop. I was even singing songs in my sleep! I’m convinced it’s one of my new medications but who knows which one. Three different doctors just prescribe something ‘to see’ if it helps….
Not much going on in Jeannette. Only 3 more working days this year for me. Monday is the last one before Christmas, and 2 after. Then I helped Mike P with a deal. I was looking for 2 things (the same two from before!) and still didn’t find them. One more place to check over the weekend.
I had Lipton soup for lunch, then made muffins for an easy breakfast choice these next few days. I had one while they were warm.
Cinnamon Streusel Muffins – with Chocolate Chips!
Mary sent me a photo of Poppy (her fur baby) playing with her new toy. It was a present for her since she’s been a good puppy this year! (Mary got a gift, too…)
Looks like she’s enjoying it!Posing for the camera – and protecting her toy!
Kathy sent me a picture from her office party today. Santa was there. Looks like they had a good time, and Santa thought they were all very good!
It’s only the 19th and my door is almost full of Christmas cards. I love getting them! A few people reached out this year that I don’t always hear from, so that was fun.
A door full of cards. Only 2 with pictures this year (so far)
I watched Biltmore Christmas a few times yesterday. Sigh. I’m addicted. And TV shots make it look completely and totally wonderful! Which it is!
Hallmark’s bird’s eye view of Biltmore EstateAlmost feels like a Swiss castle.
See how good you are at solving word search…
I was just sitting in the living room looking at the board Peyton made for me – It had to be about 10 years ago!!
My blessing today was a warm muffin!
PEANUTS Thought for the Day:
TOMORROW December 20th is:
Dot your I’s Day; Games Day; Go Caroling Day; Ugly Christmas Sweater Day; National Turkey Neck Day; Sacagawea Day; Mudd Day; National Underdog Day.
Yesterday’s fake day was National Dollar Day. Tomorrow: Singing carols will lift your spirits! Wear an ugly sweater and it will be all the more fun. I loved the Underdog cartoons and movie! But I don’t think that’s what is meant here. God bless…
It’s been a rainy day today, and a little cooler than Monday and Tuesday. Temperature says 34* but feels like 26*!! I did have to run out a few times: Take the trash up, get the mail, buzz over to the store.
I had a tough time getting started on cleaning this morning. I kept getting interrupted or distracted. I found a few things – two weeks after decorating! – that I wasn’t totally content with. So I moved them around and I’m happy now!
Silver trees look better in the Crooks room.Skates look better on the school desk.
I had a mini waffle for breakfast and 5 chicken nuggets for lunch. Got the cleaning done plus a load of laundry. Towels folded. Took the trash up to the road, and then had to pop down to the store for one small item. It’s now 5:30pm and I’m settled in for the evening.
I have been feeling a little lost this week. Lots to do, and so much fun, but just feels like I need to do something different. Not sure what! I’ll think about it.
So this was a good message for today!
Sitting on the downstairs couch I can see the lighted wreath in the powder room. It has a warm glow to it!
My blessing today was staying dry. Not as easy as it sounds!
PEANUTS Thought for the Day:
…which shall to be to all people!
TOMORROW December 19th is:
Look for an Evergreen Day; National Dollar Day; National Hard Candy Day; National Oatmeal Muffin Day; National Regifting Day.
Yesterday’s fake day was National Tissue Day. TOMORROW: I don’t need an evergreen, and I just bought Jolly Ranchers (hard candy). Muffins sound yummy; I seldom regift. God bless!
Today after work I stopped at two stores to pick up little items but they didn’t have either of them. So I came home organized a few small gifts and found bags and tags for them. After lunch of potato soup I started a batch of fudge. It was my mom’s recipe and she made it every year. She cut it in small pieces and put it in a pink candy dish. I put mine in a sealed container because there is still 8 days until Christmas.
Boiling steadyCooling down.Finally done!
Once I had the fudge all cooked, cooled, and poured into a glass dish, I cleaned up that mess and started on a batch of chocolate covered pretzels. Autmn specifically asked for them. That always makes a mess because the non-perils bounce all over the kitchen, and I find them for days and days.
I had a tray and a half of these – and iced a few cookies with the leftover chocolate.
When I walked out to get the mail I noticed that my next door neighbor decorated their house with several strings of colored lights. It looks so nice! The former neighbor was not big on decorating, so this is a pleasant change.
Lots of lights next door!
While I was inside making a mess in the kitchen, my neighbor Daniel was outside mowing his lawn! Then he left his two dogs outside to fertilize the grass!
I talked to Kelly for a few minutes – they have been crazy busy. Matt sets up and runs the sound and slides for events at the church and there have been a lot with the Christmas holidays. Those guys need a vacation!
Logan and Matt.
My blessing today was getting the chocolate snacks done and put away. Also talking to Beth for a few minutes. I’m so glad we did!
Today is my cousin Perry’s birthday. They live in Delaware. Happy, happy birthday Perry!
Perry in Philadelphia a few years ago.
PEANUTS Thought for the Day is brought to you buy a distant cousin of Snoopy:
Something to ponder…
TOMORROW December 18th is:
Answer the Phone like Buddy the Elf Day; Bake Cookies Day; Flake Appreciation Day (Snowflake, that is); National Tissue Day; Wear a Plunger on your Head Day – who makes these things up???; National Twin Day.
Yesterday’s fake day was National Feathers Day. TOMORROW – I hope someone answers the phone like Buddy the Elf! How fun is that? I baked all the cookies and candy that I plan to do – all that’s left is the Oreo Ice Cream for the 28th! Have a happy Wednesday. God Bless…
Today would have been my Grama Crooks’ birthday! Erma Eakman Crooks was born on December 16, 1898 and passed away in 1972. I was 22 so I had a lot of years with her – compared to some. I still miss her and think of all the fun things we did together on the farm, and all of life’s lessons I learned from her. She would have been 126 today!
Grama on far left. Perry, Danny, Aunt Hazel, Susan, Aunt Dolly, Me, KathyGrama Crooks – tree in the background
Just a little to do in Jeannette, then I went to Miller’s Crossing for Honey. I browsed a bit and saw this silly earrings – a hen with pink dangling boots!
There were at least three booths that sold cute earrings – and they were all $4 or $5. Alea should put a display there!
These are Alea’s.
I did some Christmas shopping, came home and wrapped them, and then did some secret sewing. Laundry, ironing, and now it’s time to think about dinner.
Christmas secrets
My blessing for today was running errands in the warm, dry temperatures. Sunshine!
PEANUTS Thought for the Day:
TOMORROW December 17th is:
National Devise Appreciation Day; National Maple Syrup Day; National Feathers Day; Wright Brothers Day.
Yesterday’s fake day was National Hose Day. Tomorrow – I do appreciate my devises! And I’m OK with maple syrup on pancakes. God bless!!
Taking everything into consideration, this has been one of the best weeks! Just in the comfortable, enjoyable normal progression of days.
Wednesday night I had the party to go to at Don Wassel’s house. So fun chatting with long-time friends as well as new friends.
The Wassel home
Thursday morning early Kelly came up, and we spent all day baking cookies, shopping, having lunch, running errands, and watching a Christmas movie on Hallmark. Before she left Friday morning I made her two new rice bags and a Christmas Pillow Case.
Material for Kelly’s pillow
Saturday was the Three Centuries program at Hanna’s Town and it was very fun, as well. Several long-time friends there to share the afternoon with.
Today was my last day of teaching Sunday School. I started helping my mom when I was in High School, and taught Sunday School, Sunday night and Wednesday night classes – as well as YEARS of VBS – from that point forward. I have been teaching Kindergarten since around 1976, so a long stretch. It feels strange to think about being done.
Our two little class boys.
Todd’s message today was ‘God’s protection and delight.’ Talking about what we look forward to: conflict will vanish; it’s easy to get angry. Words crush the soul. The more you praise, the happier you get. Our punishment has been removed – HE will bring us home. God battles for us.
After church today my cousin Mark gathered up a bunch of our family, in addition to my friend Mary, and we all went to lunch at Chili’s. I haven’t done that in years and years. It was very fun to spend time with Deb, Jim, and Mike, Kim and Brian, Mark, and Mary. Good conversation, some laughs, and yummy food. I even have leftovers to have for supper. So far no plans at all except for work this week.
This evening I cleaned out my carry bags – the one I always took to church with my Sunday School materials in it, and the one I had for work with PENNDOT information. So that’s done! Quiet but fun day!
My blessing today was family lunch. We need more of these.
PEANUTS Thought for the Day:
TOMORROW December 16th is:
Barbie and Barney Backlash Day; Day of Reconciliation; National Chocolate Covered Anything Day; National Hose Day; National Underdog Day; National Wreaths Across America Day; Stupid Toy Day.
Yesterday’s fake day was National Garland Day; Tomorrow: Chocolate covered anything! I could check out some stupid toys. God bless.
Today is Jen’s birthday – Happy, happy birthday, Jen! Have a wonderful day! Wishing you a great year ahead. Love you!
Happy birthday Jen! And National Cat Herding Day!
So today was the Three Centuries of Christmas at Hanna’s Town. It was – first of all – nice to see some of my fellow tour guides and those who volunteer or work there. They do such a great job with the programs.
My tour started at 11am. Kelton took us to our first century – the 18th – at it was in the Tavern. Joanna explained about celebrating Christmas and some of the customs. Most of the decorations (when there were any at all) were from nature. Pine boughs, holly, fruit. The pine symbolized eternal life. The holly was considered magical, and kept away evil spirits. The word Holidays is derived from Holly Days. Christmas was banned and considered illegal for many years, by order of Oliver Cromwell. He, I guess, was the original Grinch!
Kelton – and his ugly sweater (watch for more info on the sweater later!)Joanna18th century tree.Ginger cookies
The bearer of ‘tidings’ during that time was the formidable Belsnickel. He visited all the houses; pounded the door and demanded entry. If the children were ‘bad’ he rattled his heavy chain, and the kids got coal or wax or punishment with a switch. If they were ‘good’ he rang bells and they got nice treats. I got a piece of coal, but he said it was a small one because I was just a little bit bad! But Santa gave me a candy cane because he didn’t agree!
Belsnickel – very scary in person! He gave me coal.My tiny lump of coal, and ‘ear wax’, too. But I got a Candy Cane (see below)Santa handing Candy Canes
Moving on to the 19th century, we were led to the LeFevre House by Belsnickel. Lisa welcomed us inside and Carol explained traditions and customs. Most of the early 19th century celebrations were of German origin. Trees were decorated with cookies, candles, nuts, popcorn, ribbons. Several figures would visit different neighborhoods. Kriss Kringle, represented by young boys dressed up as well known characters (like George Washington) who performed antics and sang carols loudly, even performing tricks. They wouldn’t leave the property until those in the house would give them coins or food, which they distributed to the poor. That’s where the 2nd and 3rd verses from ‘We Wish you a Merry Christmas’ come into play: “Bring us some figgy pudding” and “We won’t go until we get some.”
LisaCookies, and ribbons, and nuts, and candles. Wooden angel on the topMantleCarol – explaining ChristmasLisa recited The Night Before Christmas to us.
The next visitor would be Christ Kingle (Christ Child) who would come at night an bring candy for the kids, who left hay for the reindeer. Kriss Kringle didn’t come down the chimney; he came in through the keyhole!
Can he really do it?
Now to the 19th century. Mistletoe was very popular and gave reason for a lot of kissing! Each time a couple would kiss under the mistletoe, they would pull a white berry off the sprig. Once the white berries were done, so was the kissing! Poinsettias were very popular – originating in Mexico – but kept in the house as decorations and symbol of friendship.
There were several versions of ‘Santa’, but the one then was most widely accepted was the one described in The Night Before Christmas (Clement C Moore). The illustrator for that was Thomas Nast, which met the descriptions in the poem. Several years later ‘Coke’ created a new image of Santa and that is the most widely recognized.
Thomas Nast version of Santa.Santa of today.
(This is a long post, isn’t it???)
The second half of the 19th century is deemed the Victorian age. Christmas Carols and caroling became very popular. The first Christmas Carol brought to the US was not even written for Christmas – Jingle Bells. During the years of the Civil War times were sad and hard. President Lincoln visited soldiers, and Mrs. Jefferson Davis visited the hospitals on Christmas Eve. President Grant declared Christmas an official holiday.
Songbook on display in the Exhibit
In 1867 Macy’s decided to stay open very late to keep up with the shopping and commercialism. Before this time most gifts were hand made; now they were mass produced and shopping because more popular. This is also when the elves were introduced as workers in Santa’s toy workshop. Macy’s first Thanksgiving Day Parade was 15 cars, 50 people, and a fireman dressed as Santa.
Stock image
Christmas cards and post cards became so popular that the post office had to implore people to ‘mail early.’ Also, store windows competed for popularity as decorating them became a competition, including animation.
Now, here we are at last to the 20th century. There were a lot of familiar items in this display. Artificial lights on trees, glass bulb ornaments, handmade ornaments, candy canes, and trains underneath. Indiana PA became the Christmas Tree Capital of the World in 1956. President Coolidge instituted the first official National Christmas Tree.
The second half of the century – Victorian Age. Trees had electric light and commercially produced ornaments and decorations, as well as toys and clothing.
Barb Ferrier
When children because older and began to doubt the existence of Santa, several things happened. The most famous was the letter written by Virginia O’Hanlon to the NY Sun – Is there really a Santa. The answer by editor Francis Church was one of the most published single articles ever in any newspaper. Also, one of the astronauts said ‘Santa comes through the Heart, not the chimney.’ Ugly sweaters became vastly popular.
Nativity and Christmas Story from 20th century
The program was lovely, with different kids of cookies in several locations. The gift shop and the history display was open to browse through. Hanna’s Town does this program every December. It’s really worth checking out! Lots of fun and information and I didn’t nearly share even a tenth of it!
My blessing today was the Three Centuries of Christmas program!
PEANUTS Thought for the Day:
TOMORROW December 15th is:
Bill of Rights Day; Cat Herders Day; International Tea Day; National Garland Day; National Cupcake Day; National Regifting Day; National Wear Your Pearls Day; Ugly Sweater day.
Yesterday’s fake day was National Crumb Day. Tomorrow: Jen will need help hearing cats. I love having my hot tea! Kelly is the Cupcake queen. I have a few ugly sweaters/sweatshirts, and I don’t own pearls! Well, maybe I have Grama Crooks’s but they are probably imitation! God bless. OH! And tomorrow is mine and Mary’s last day to teach. We are officially done! Hard to believe….
It was a pretty nice day for a Friday the 13th. I didn’t even realize the date until we were half way through it. Kelly stayed until about 11am. She worked on a small project and I made 2 rice bags for her and a winter pillowcase. I also sewed pillow shells for her to stuff with the foam filling.
We had a good time together – it’s so rare that she doesn’t have at least one of the boys with her. We went out to lunch, and went shopping all over the place. We also made and ate our potato soup for supper. We were going to watch Biltmore Christmas but I couldn’t log into the right app. It was nice to have Kelly to myself for a while! We even stopped at an antique store and strolled around for a while.
Antique sled and skates.
I used the rest of the day today to catch up on errands. I stopped at Giant Eagle and picked up a prescription refill. Then I stopped at the bank to get Christmas money, and that is all handled for the kids. I also stopped at T-Mobile as I had a question about my phone storage, but they couldn’t figure it out either.
From there I got a few groceries, then material for more rice bags. A quick stop to get another book of Christmas stamps at the post office (Hi, Dad!) and then got called to work. I was there for about an hour.
Spent the last bit of time finishing up my Christmas cards so I think I’m done with that now. It’s snowy and cold out so I’m happy to be inside.
Now – short recap on Don’s party Wednesday night. It was nice to see a few familiar faces. I hadn’t seen Ellen or Kelly Smail except for at the funeral home in years so it was nice to chat with them. Talked to an old friend, Dan (controller at Smail’s) and his wife Gail. Mike P and his wife were there, too. Don and Sharon have a beautiful house and it’s always so elegant and welcoming. Tons of good food, too!
Don’s wife SharonLeft to right: Don R, Mike P. Don in the background.Closest to the front – in black – Ellen Smail In the center – Kelly SmailDon LOVES antique trucksChocolate ‘Christmas Tree’ bundt cake.
Autmn sent me some photos of Cameron. She says he can give kisses, boop your nose, dance, climb, shake his head no, say ‘quack’, ‘duck’ and ‘knock’ (while knocking). And drink with a straw!
Chillin’Truckin’Hangin’ with MomStraw sippin’
My blessing today was getting caught up on so many chores!
PEANUTS Thought for the Day:
TOMORROW December 14th is:
Free Shipping Day, National Crumb Day; Monkey Day; National Energy Conservation Day; Roast Chestnuts Day; Christmas Bird Count Week; National Wreaths Across America Day.
Yesterday’s fake day was National Holly Day. Tomorrow: Tomorrow is Jen’s birthday. And also the Three Centuries of Christmas day at Hanna’s Town, which I plan to attend. God Bless!
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