Another day of getting a few things done. Worked in Jeannette this morning, then stopped at Walmart to get my drain treatment for tomorrow. From there I had my chiropractor appointment, then went to Hepler’s Hardware. I was looking for the shrub and branch cutters that Gen told me about. She gave me three brands. I peeked at Walmart and they only had Fiskars (Third choice). Well, so did Heplers! I’ll check Lowe’s before I purchase any. There were plenty of styles but I know which type to get.

After lunch (bagel) I went outside to work. It was cool but very sunny. I brought the lawn furniture up to the deck, and a few little items to set in the yard. Still have the tote boxes contents to put out but I’ll wait for nicer weather.

Also moved a little starter shrub to the hill side, and finished weeding and cleaning up the bottom driveway bed.

Autmn called and they are trying to get a little closer to Greensburg with Noah’s job and a home. I hope they find something. It would be nice to have them closer, especially with summer coming one. And that’s my day.

I did get a bag of Easter M&M’s – they were called Easter Sundae. White and milk chocolate in the same piece. They were OK but not a favorite.

Scripture of the day:


TOMORROW March 28th is:
Barnum and Bailey Day; Eat an Eskimo Pie Day; National Black Forest Cake Day; National Hot Tub Day; National Something on a Stick Day; National Weed Appreciation Day; Respect your Cat Day.
I have never met a weed I appreciated. Ever. I also don’t know many people who actually respect their cat. But whatever! God bless…
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