March 27, 2025

Another day of getting a few things done. Worked in Jeannette this morning, then stopped at Walmart to get my drain treatment for tomorrow. From there I had my chiropractor appointment, then went to Hepler’s Hardware. I was looking for the shrub and branch cutters that Gen told me about. She gave me three brands. I peeked at Walmart and they only had Fiskars (Third choice). Well, so did Heplers! I’ll check Lowe’s before I purchase any. There were plenty of styles but I know which type to get.

After lunch (bagel) I went outside to work. It was cool but very sunny. I brought the lawn furniture up to the deck, and a few little items to set in the yard. Still have the tote boxes contents to put out but I’ll wait for nicer weather.

Cat under the star
Wheelbarrow and star
Clay pot wind ‘chimes’
Low chairs and table, church, swinging squirrel.
Black squirrel and purple chair.
Bar table and higher chairs
Angel on bench by fire pit.
Little Dutch couple.

Also moved a little starter shrub to the hill side, and finished weeding and cleaning up the bottom driveway bed.

Autmn called and they are trying to get a little closer to Greensburg with Noah’s job and a home. I hope they find something. It would be nice to have them closer, especially with summer coming one. And that’s my day.

Cameron and Mommie

I did get a bag of Easter M&M’s – they were called Easter Sundae. White and milk chocolate in the same piece. They were OK but not a favorite.

Scripture of the day:


I just had one….

TOMORROW March 28th is:

Barnum and Bailey Day; Eat an Eskimo Pie Day; National Black Forest Cake Day; National Hot Tub Day; National Something on a Stick Day; National Weed Appreciation Day; Respect your Cat Day.

I have never met a weed I appreciated. Ever. I also don’t know many people who actually respect their cat. But whatever! God bless…

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