January 2, 2025

Today has been cold – but we could see an inch or so of snow tomorrow. I’ll be glad to stay home if I can. That’s the plan!!

829,700+ Winter Snowflakes Stock Photos, Pictures & Royalty ...

I was busier at work than I have been in a while. I processed a few deals, then made up new folders for 2025. On the way home I stopped at Walmart for AAA batteries and drain root killer, which I’ll administer mid-January.

Just when I got home, Nate called to arrange to fix my doorknob. He was here in a flash and it’s perfect! I love the way it looks, and it’s much easy to use.

Autmn and Cameron stopped and visited for an hour. He is such a funny kid and is always running and laughing and playing. He likes to steal his mom’s drink so he can use the straw — and he likes soda! He does have his own straw cup with milk but that – of course – is not as fun.

He is fascinated with the little glass puppy that sits on the chair. Today he was ‘feeding’ it. Any time a door is left open (laundry, bathroom, garage) he runs to it and sits down in the corner and laughs!

Their visit made my day, and I was so glad to see them. Autmn took some of my discarded Christmas and dish items but didn’t want as many as I thought. Next step – Goodwill.

Trying to decide what to attack next!

Scripture for the Day: Exodus 3:5

Verse of the Day - Exodus 3:5 — Then He said, "Do not come ...

TOMORROW January 3rd is:

National Drinking Straw Day; Festival of Sleep Day; Fruitcake Toss Day; Humiliation Day; National Chocolate Covered Cherry Day; National Write to Congress Day; Women Rock! Day.

I’ll celebrate by sleeping! Cameron will do the straw thing. Mom would have had Chocolate Covered Cherries (her favorite!). Pick your fun! God bless…

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New Year’s Day 2025

I got a lot of things crossed off my list today but I took my time. One thing that I did was drive up to Lowe’s and get a new door knob for the family room – to the garage. I was very excited! HOWEVER — once I got home and took the old one off I couldn’t get the new one on. Bummer. Nate will come up soon and put it on for me – I had to put the old one back, but I couldn’t do that right either. Oh, well.

New door knobs

Yesterday I forgot to post the morning’s sunrise. It was beautiful – a perfect send-off for 2024. I fell asleep about 10:30pm and didn’t wake up for anything until 3am. I never heard a peep out of the neighborhood.

Yesterday morning’s beautiful sunrise.

This morning I changed all the calendars – including the Snoopy wooden one – and did the ironing and put all the laundry away. I ran the dishwasher and paid bills. I’m still getting used to my new keyboard. It has a light touch and I keep typing double letters! But I love it!

My new purple keyboard

And just remembering to write/type 2025 is challenge enough! And I would LOVE to find these in a store somewhere…

Let me know if you see them anywhere!

After lunch I made a turkey pot pie from leftover turkey and gravy I had in the freezer (for that exact purpose). I’ll have it later for supper.

A sweet little family from church gave me a planner for Christmas, and I determined that I would try and use it. I intend to keep track of things on the calendar pages, and write down everything I eat in the back ‘notes’ section. That’s not to say I’m WATCHING what I eat :). I’m just writing it down…


This afternoon as I was working I was ‘watching’ both WINDOW WONDERLAND and BILTMORE CHRISTMAS. Now I am watching THE MAGIC STOCKING. I don’t remember watching it before.

Photos from Magic Stocking - 4

I have been on pins and needles all afternoon. Autmn called me from Children’s Hospital. Cameron tripped and fell against his new toy chest and cut his forehead. And you know how heads bleed! Her and Noah were both panicked. He was a real trooper and made a ton of friends with the nurses and doctors. She just called me and everything was fine except he had to get 3 stitches. Poor little guy! Autmn is coming in tomorrow for a while so I’ll get to hug him and snuggle him and give him Mimi kisses and make him better!

He’s happy no matter what!
Temporary bandage.
All stitched up.

Scripture for the day: Genesis 1:1 –

TOMORROW January 2nd is:

55 Miles Per Hour Speed Limit Day; Ancestry Day; Happy Mew Year for Cats Day; National Buffet Day; National Cream Puff Day; National Science Fiction Day; Swiss Cheese Day.

Yesterday’s fake day was National Raisin Day. After today there will be no fake days. TOMORROW: Eat a piece of swiss cheese! God bless —

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New Year’s Eve 2024

On the eve of 2025, you have to wonder what this new year will bring. No one knows. Half of 2024 was a challenge medically for me, but I’m thankful that I have felt better and been comfortable enough to get back to feeling like myself. Christmas is tucked away but there is a brand new year waiting!

May be an image of christmas tree and text

I start January with five medical follow-up appointments, which I am hoping will be just that – just keep sailing! I’m really looking forward to new adventures and routine days and family and friends. Kathy and I are already planning a trip to see my friend Gen in New York sometime in the spring. And she REALLY wants to visit the Newport mansions during the holidays.

Beechwood – Newport

I have read a lot of posts today – reflecting on 2024 and looking forward to 2025. There is SO MUCH to look forward to; so many wonderful things just waiting for us to embrace them. I wish everyone the opportunity to celebrate and enjoy this new year.

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My decision is to not make any specific resolutions. I just want each day to be better than the day before. I want to find ways to make life good for those around me, and to let God lead me to where He wants me to be; what He wants me to do. I’m sort of hoping that includes Williamsburg or Biltmore – but if not in 2025 then there are more years after that one.

God bless each of you – sending love and wishes for good health, peace, and finding your happy place.

My blessing today is typing this – to so many people that I care so much about!

PEANUTS Thought for the Day:

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TOMORROW January 1, 2025, is:

Apple Gifting Day; Commitment Day; National Raisin Day; New Year’s Day; Polar Bear Plunge Day; Ring a Bell Day; World Day of Peace.

Yesterday’s fake day was National Jump Day. Tomorrow: No jumping in the river for me! I can ring a bell – I have Mom’s school bell on my desk! Happy New Year! God bless…

snoopy and woodstock-Snoopy New Year
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December 30, 2024

Kelly was here well before I expected her! I had just showered and dressed, and was drying my hair. We had breakfast and then got organized and planned out our day.

Kelly had the last two scones from this batch, and I had a muffin.

I didn’t take any pictures and we didn’t do anything very exciting. We got ALL the Christmas decorations taken down and packed away, and she even managed to get the tubs up on the shelves! The only thing left for me to do after she left at 4pm was take down the tree and a few sets of lights. And the tree was super easy since it was pre-lit and I just had to put the ornaments away! The house is a TOTAL mess, with dust, and tinsel and glitter and crumbs everywhere. Tomorrow and Wednesday will be deep cleaning day. We DID have Chick Fil-A for lunch!

Everything packed away but…
I did leave the cards up.

I have a few boxes of extra decorations and some dishes that I cleaned out of my cupboards that I am passing on. Autmn will look at them first, and what she doesn’t want will go to good will. It feels so good to declutter!

A set of glasses I knew Jen liked so I packed them up to give to her. Brand new!

My blessing for today was spending the day with Kelly; even though we worked crazy hard, we had a great time together! Neither one of us are good at being idle.

My Kelly

PEANUTS Thought for the Day:

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TOMORROW, December 31st is:

Hogmanay; Make up your Mind Day; National Champagne Day; New Years Eve; No Interruptions Day; Unlucky Day; National Jump Day.

Yesterday’s fake day was National Sing Day. Tomorrow: I’ll try to make up my mind. It might be New Years Eve but I’ll be staying in! I don’t plan to be unlucky. God bless…

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December 29, 2024

First order of business. The 28th was Sarah’s birthday. Happy belated birthday to my sweet niece! Hope your day was amazing!

Kyle, Millie, and Sarah – Wyatt was at home with Kyle’s dad.

And today is my sister’s birthday! She’s had her family there almost all week, and I haven’t talked to her. So here’s hoping that she had a great day and has felt loved and blessed! Love both you girls!

Me and Kath

Wayne preached this morning as Todd and Heather were out of town. He had a good message. It was about embracing our faith and trust in Jesus. He confirms our faith. Christmas confirms that God is with us. Our priority is to follow God – accept and watch for his leading. His spirit lives in us forever. The scripture was I Corinthians 2:9, my favorite verse! Be open to God – he has riches for us, and we must be prepared to believe and to receive His gifts.

Elise Wolfgang had the special music and she sang Breath of Heaven. That, too, is a favorite.

As for yesterday, is was total chaos — but absolutely wonderful! Cameron was the ring leader and we chased him around all over the house! He was so fun and happy and enjoyed everything going on. We had a totally strange supper – deviled eggs, cream of potato soup, pizza, cookies, and Oreo Ice Cream! And chips and dip and crackers and cheese. When the kids left I sent almost all the leftovers home with them. The only thing I saved on purpose was the iced orange drop cookies!

Cameron eating pizza
Oh look! A drink!
Logan crashed on the couch
Nate and Autmn Rose
Cameron excited about his gifts – at Lori’s
It’s all good!

We did have one hic-up in our day. Kelly, Matt, Logan and Chase came up before lunch in the van. Peyton and Izzy came about 1pm in Matt’s work truck. It was not running right, and when he turned it off it would not start. Izzy had to be home by 3pm so they took the van and left! Long story short, Matt had the truck towed to his friend’s shop and about 9:10pm I took Matt, Kelly, Logan and Chase to Washington to meet Matt’s mom. They rode the rest of the way home with her! I got home at 10:02 on the nose! Long day but it was all fun – and an adventure – and I was blessed to have them all here.

Peyton and Izzy
Peyton’s new motto….

The kids bought me new flannel sheets for my bed, earrings, a new keyboard and mouse (purple!), an electric kettle (purple!), and fluffy blanket, and Red Door. Autmn got a new apple watch and gave me her old one, which is only 2 years old. So I have to get it charged and figure out how to use it! I also got a set of very festive kitchen towels from Matt’s mom, and 4 little M&M bowls from Jen’s mom. So fun!

M&M’s came with my bowls!
My blanket – looks like a giant sheep!

Today after church I started taking down decorations. I took advantage of the decent weather (but a bit windy) and got everything outside down and put away. Also got the winter garden flags put up and the blue and white deck lights up as well. Spent all day working on undecorating the house inside!


So I’m going to get something to eat now and chill for a while. Kelly is coming up to spend the day tomorrow, and she plans to help me get some of these decorations put away.

A mess in the garage.

My blessing today was nice weather to be outside!

PEANUTS Thought for the Day:

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TOMORROW December 30th is:

Falling Needles Family Fest Day; National Sing Day; National Bacon Day; National Resolution Planning Day; Sodium Bicarbonate Day.

Friday’s fake day was National Water Day. TOMORROW: Bacon! Yum! I gave up on resolutions years ago, and I have a fake tree so no needles. God bless…

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December 27, 2024

I heard from Diane about 2pm, and Shannon did well with her surgery. She will be in the hospital in Pittsburgh two or three days. Still praying for complete recovery!

Not much to post, as I spent the day preparing for tomorrow’s family Christmas. I made the deviled eggs, baked brownies, and pealed/cubed the potatoes for the soup tomorrow. Then I cleaned the house and did a load of laundry. Once I finished that I popped over to Walmart to get a little extra food as Kelly’s family will be here early, for lunch. Our family meal will be about 5pm or 5:30pm.

Brownies – without icing

I also remembered to fill the Snoopy M&M bowl. The kids expect it!

Ready for tomorrow.

Don’t be concerned if I don’t post tomorrow. We’ll be busy all day. Have a lovely weekend. Oh – before I forget – Daniel took down the giant reindeer on Christmas night so I couldn’t get a picture from the front! Go figure…

Last antler sighting…

My blessing for today were those yummy Brookside chocolates, which were a Christmas gift from Ken at Pinnacle. It’s tradition!


PEANUTS Thought for the Day:

TOMORROW December 28th is:

Card Playing Day; National Call a Friend Day; National Chocolate Candy Day; National Water day; National Download Day; National Short Film Day; Proclamation Day; Pledge of Allegiance Day.

Yesterday’s fake day was National Socks Day. Tomorrow – A repeat of the chocolate candy. I probably won’t remember to proclaim anything or say the pledge of allegiance. I may, however, call a friend! God bless…

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December 26, 2024

We had a nice evening at Nate and Jen’s last night! Cameron – of course – was the entertainment, as well as a parcel of cats, a 75 pound dog Ranger that thinks he’s a lap dog, and a pig the size of a Buick. Cameron loves the animals but we all have a healthy respect for Piggy.

Piggy in his ‘room’
Ranger eating lunch
Kitties getting a drink
Ranger with Sherree
Kittie feeling temporarily safe!
Watching ‘Bluey’
Still – for once!
Handsome baby!

They all had their Christmas before I got there – which was planned. Autmn got new cookware – Pink! – and was very excited. Cameron was having a marvelous time playing with the dog’s toy (new, so it was safe). Everyone seemed to be very pleased with all their gifts. Autmn had to make a trip back in today to get everything else!

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Dog toy
Listening to Mimi

Jen made a wonderful meal. The beef roast melted in your mouth. Mashed potatoes, gravy, noodles, biscuits, corn and green beans, veggie pizza. And there were cookies, and snacks spread all over the counter!

Leftovers – for lunch!

Everyone had a wonderful day!

Mimi and Cameron.
Cameron with Puppers
Playing with his Tonie toy.
Cameron’s new couch
Autmn, Cameron and Noah –
matching jammies!
Upside down!

Kelly sent photos of Matt and his crew that went to the Steeler game on Sunday. They had a good time despite the loss!

Greg and Matt – stadium
Matt’s cousin Jimmie, Logan, A friend (Greg) from church, Matt.

My friend Diane came for breakfast and we spent a few hours chatting and eating. Her daughter Shannon is having back surgery tomorrow so please keep them both in your prayers.

Socks from Diane

After I had the kitchen cleaned up, I went to work. There wasn’t much but I got caught up. I had to switch cars. I am now driving a 2018 Ford Escape, bright blue! It drives really nice.

My current ride.

I left there and went to Walmart to grab the rest of the items I needed for Saturday. Also I hadn’t bought any fun thing for Cameron to open. I did find something (with the help of a suggestion from Autmn!) so I hung out with Cookie Monster for a while until I wrapped him.

Tomorrow I will spend the day cooking and doing a small touchup in the cleaning department. I’m looking forward to having the whole family here! (Except Noah, who has to work…)

My blessing for today was that Walmart was NOT crowded!

PEANUTS Thought for the Day:

Santa’s list is NOT wrong!

TOMORROW December 27th is:

Case Day; National Fruitcake Day; National Socks Day; National Make Cut Out Snowflakes Day; Visit the Zoo Day.

Yesterday’s fake day was National Sleigh Day. Tomorrow – NO fruitcake. I haven’t made snowflakes since the girls were very little! I’d rather visit the zoo in nicer weather. God bless!

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Christmas Day!

Right now it’s very quiet here. I have Y108’s Countrified Christmas on again, listening to non stop Holiday Songs. It’s much more fun than watching the hundreds of repeat Hallmark movies (although I do watch them every day!).

Mr. Grinch is playing now…

We had a nice visit last night – I sat and talked to Jesse and Tonia for about an hour or so while we were waiting for Kathy and Paul after church. Isaac doesn’t say much. Everyone seemed to like the sloppy joes and the potatoes, and everyone ALWAYS likes cookies! Kathy and Nate and I sat and talked for a while after dinner. Chrissy was there for about an hour and a half until her mom picked her up. Chrissy took pictures for me but she had a lot of uncooperative subjects!

Nate, Kathy (Aunt Cordelia) and me
Jesse in blue, Isaac in the back, Paul with a pillow over his face. Tonia escaped entirely!
My photographer! She even wore a Snoopy shirt!

I left most of the indoor Christmas lights on all night, as well as the radio. It was very faint but it sung me to sleep! I had left a lot of things go yesterday so I spent the first hour this morning looking for a runaway battery that escaped under the dresser, glued a broken lid, and restacked the take-home containers that ended up all mishappen in the garage. I had toast and an egg for breakfast and a few crackers and cheese for lunch. I just finished making Peyton’s Oreo ice cream for Saturday. He’ll have to share, of course. All I have to do now is on Friday bake Brownies for Jen (and everyone else!)

Oreo Ice Cream – I still needed to add the red Oreos.

I looked out the kitchen window, and low and behold! SANTA must be having lunch at the neighbor’s. The reindeer’s antlers are sticking up above the house. Daniel’s every day grass mowing must have paid off.

See the antlers? Top almost right.
I know this is fuzzy – it’s through the screen.

It will be later once I get home from Nate’s so I’ll post those family Christmas pictures tomorrow.

No presents under my tree – Santa’s coming back on Friday night!

My blessing today is just enjoying the peace and the meaning of Christmas.

PEANUTS Thought for the Day:

TOMORROW December 26th is:

Boxing Day; Day of Goodwill; National Sleigh Day; Kwanzaa; National Candy Cane Day; National Homeowners Day; National Thank You Note Day; National Whiners Day.

Monday’s fake day was National Cracker Day. TOMORROW – be sure to send thank you notes. No Whining! I’m not a fan of candy canes but to each his own. Peace on earth, GOODWILL toward men (and women!). God bless…

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Dearest friends and family – After a busy week – month, even! – here it is, the quiet of Christmas Eve. I had my sister and Paul, their son Jesse and Tonia and Isaac, and Nate and Christina for supper after church.  We had plenty of food, lots of conversation, and too many cookies! 

 I’m sitting here typing in my Snoopy Christmas PJ’s – of COURSE they are Snoopy!  And I have my new Snoopy slippers on, too.  So I’m ready for Santa!

 Everything that needs to be done for the next few days is done.  I’m going to Nate’s for supper tomorrow and will get to see Cameron!  Autmn face-timed me today and he was so excited to see me.  He waved and clapped and smiled, and it melted my heart! 

 The Burke family is having their official Christmas on Saturday with everyone here. So I have a few extra days to make the Oreo Ice Cream for Peyton and Brownies for Jen!

 While November seemed to drag, December just flew by.  It seemed like I spent all my time baking cookies, running Christmas errands, and finding fun things to do!  We had our Skunk Hollow Christmas Fest; I went to Three Centuries of Christmas at Hanna’s Town; we went to the Byham to see A MUSICAL CHRISTMAS CAROL; I went to a friend’s lovely Christmas party (a former Smail co-worker).  And I love getting Christmas Cards, especially from people I don’t hear from very often. December was fast and fun!

 Today I had an especially delightful day.  I spent all day cleaning and cooking and getting organized for tonight’s family supper.  But I had Y108 on all day, and they had their Country Christmas on all day (very limited commercials) and I had a great time trying to guess who was singing each song.  You’d think it would be easy.  I was at about 80% correct until after lunch, when they started throwing in unlikely combinations.  I dropped to about 50%.  But I heard some fun new songs that I have to look into. 

Everyone in the family is doing well – busy and happy (mostly!) and healthy.  I love seeing them when I can.  Otherwise I keep busy – taking care of the house, myself, finding historic things to do, planning trips with Kath.  I’m still working a few days a week in the mornings at Pinnacle.  Those guys are super bosses and I love working for/with them!

Christmas Eve service was lovely as well.  My favorite part is the candlelight  Silent Night – after our candles are lit everyone makes a huge circle and they turn the lights down.  It’s beautiful and touching and makes the words wash over me like a huge happy hug.

It feels like everything has stopped, and we are all waiting to celebrate the most amazing thing that ever happened.  I am so thankful that I embrace the amazing moments of ‘Unto us a Child is Born.’  What could be greater, sweeter, or more important than our Savior’s birth?

So as the day draws to a close, I leave you with this thought.  Whatever you do, do your best to do it well and spread kindness and love.  Live in the moment; don’t rush through events or meals or activities. Turn you phone off – just for a little while. Focus on making memories, something that will last a lot longer than any gift or meal.  God has already given the best gift He has – His beloved Son.  And He has allowed me to choose life and to make life the best it can be for myself and those I love. 

Have a wonderful holiday, and God Bless Us, Everyone! 

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December 23, 2024

It was really cold this morning – still a dusting of snow on the yards. I left the laundry room spigot drip all night, and left the doors under the sinks open to help keep them warmer. All was well when I got up. It’s 37* right now.

After work I stopped at the bank – Independence Health lost a check I sent them. So I have that to slosh through!

Also had to pop into Dollar General – they have their valentine items out already!

I had a grilled cheese for lunch (home made bread), then started on some food for tomorrow – put together the potato casserole and made deviled eggs and iced tea. So the hard stuff is out of the way.

Oh my! There is one missing. How did that happen???

Kath sent me a picture of Wyatt at his pre-school Christmas play. When he spotted her watching the show he pointed and yelled “There’s my Grandma!”

They love their audience!

It’s now 4pm and I have THE CHRISTMAS TRAIN on in the background. I have a few emails to work on later and some ironing to do.

Amazon.com: Christmas Train, The : Dermot Mulroney, Kimberly ...

My blessing for today was seeing Ken, Sir Rege, and Barry to wish them a Merry Christmas!

PEANUTS Thought for the Day:

TOMORROW December 24th is:

Christmas Eve; National Cracker Day; Last Minute Shoppers Day; National Eggnog Day.

Yesterday’s fake day was National Glow Day. Tomorrow: Christmas Eve! Celebrate all day – music, lights and worship. God bless.

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