March 24, 2025

Not a very eventful day but it was a happy one, none the less. I had plenty to work on, including personal business, doing some writing, spicing up a former essay, and correspondence (email). I thought that I might spend some time outside since it was so bright and sunny, but it was very windy and I can’t do windy.

Looked nicer than it felt

I did some laundry, ironing, and paid a few bills. Again today, I can’t get warm enough. I have a little space heater on under my desk.

As the day went on, I popped out to get the mail. One of my hyacinths were up pretty good and will fully bloom soon.

I also noticed a rainbow behind the house, even though I didn’t notice that it rained.

Tomorrow will be a busier day – work, bank, dentist, etc. It’s all good, except maybe the dentist….

Scripture of the Day:


TOMORROW March 25th is:

Nine months to Christmas Day; International Waffle Day; National Lobster Newburg Day; National Medal of Honor Day; Tolkien Reading Day; National Equal Pay Day.

I can always celebrate Christmas – in fact, I have Christmas CD’s in my stereo right now. I’m sure I read something. God bless…

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