It was cooler today, and rainy. No outside work today! That’s OK because I was busy all day.

Kathy and I went to the bank together and straightened out the cabin account. We were glad to have that part done.

From there we went to River Hill church. Kathy promised to help with the setup for their rummage sale tomorrow so I said I would help with that, too. I have never seen such an organized, efficient sale. Kathy and I wrapped and packaged the pies and fudge and cookies to be presented for the sale in the morning. I could have eaten a bite of everything, especially the Dutch apple pie! It looked so good. They were little individual pies – apple and cherry. It’s worth going to River Hill just for the snacks!

There were kids toys, craft items, pictures, books, blankets, clothes, dishware — I can’t begin to describe everything that was there.

Before we left we both took a stroll around all the rooms. I got a small purple serving tray and an Easter Snoopy. Kathy got a little wicker chair for Millie’s doll. It was hard not to bring some of the food home!

We stopped at Taco Bell in New Stanton on the way home for lunch. Chrissy was working and we got to visit with her for a few minutes.

(And beautiful!)
Teresa stopped over when I got home. She had a thank you for me for helping her with her car transfer. I was glad to help, but I am also excited about the hot pad! It’s insulated to protect the counters and also keep the food warm. We had a nice visit and spent a while talking about our respective vacations. We are both going to New York this year.

The tiny hyacinth that I bought last week is really growing. It will bloom soon.


TOMORROW March 29th is:
Earth Hour; Mermaid Day; National Mom & Pop Business Owners Day; National Smoke & Mirrors Day; New Moon March; Niagara Falls Runs Dry Day; Payday it Forward Day; World Piano Day; National Pita day.
I’ve never met a mermaid. And I didn’t know Niagara Falls ever ran dry without help. I took piano lessons for 7 years but you’d never know it! Tomorrow is refresher training at Hanna’s Town. We could all use that! God bless…
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