Today is the anniversary of my Dad’s passing. That was in 1985 and it’s so hard to believe it was that long ago — forty years. He still had a lot of life to live, and a lot of laughs still left in him. Keep laughing, Dad!

Three things Dad loved – the cabin, horses, and pizza!
Today I had a few deals in Jeannette, and talked Renee through a few issues for Mike P. I left Pinnacle and went to my dentist appointment. I felt like there would be issues – I had so many crazy things happen since my last appointment, with new prescriptions that seemed to effect everything. But it was all good. No issues at all. Whew!!

From Dr. Lane’s office I went to the bank and handled two deposits, then got a few groceries. I was hungry for fruit salad for some reason. I also stopped in town and got gas in the Nissan.

Once I came home and changed clothes and had my salad for lunch, I went outside for a few hours and cleaned up the corner of the driveway. I got most of the driveway edge done before I ran out of steam and ended up being chilled from the wind.

Diane sent me a picture of little birds under an umbrella. Just cute!

Snapped pictures of the fuchsia and purple hyacinths blooming. So now I’m inside for the day and will just do little odds and ends until time for supper.



TOMORROW March 26th is:
Good Hair Day; Little Red Wagon Day; Live Long and Prosper Day; National Nougat Day; National Spinach Day; Solitude Day; Wear a Hat Day; Manatee Appreciation Day.
My hair is never entirely good. I never mastered that skill – so I should wear a hat! I have a little red wagon tucked in the shed for Cameron when he comes over in the summer. We can go for walks. God bless…
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