Short walk on the treadmill, then cleaning the rest of the day. Had to run to the store after lunch for Nate – neither he nor Jen feel their best and don’t want to risk the public forum.
Came back, finished cleaning and laundry, and several phone calls. Kelly is dealing with some health issues (not COVID or CANCER but distressing) so I’m a little off-center right now. I’m driving to pick her up in the morning and take her to a doctor’s appointment in West Virginia, so I may not be home in time to post tomorrow. Don’t be alarmed! I’ll keep posting updates as I can.
No pictures today, and not much else going on.
Memory book – December 15, 2021: Did your Grandpa or Grandma ever make gifts for you? What? “Both Grandma Crooks & Grandmam Eakman made pillow cases & embroidered a nice picture of flowers on them. Grandmam made us each a quilt when we got married.” (Mom made us cloth dolls out of the pillowcases…)

On this day in 1939 Gone With The Wind premiered in Atlanta; Folsom Prison Blues by Johnny Cash was released in 1955. Trivial Pursuit was invented in 1979, and in 1791 the Bill of Rights was ratified, creating the first 10 amendments of the constitution. Tim Conway was born in 1933. Mad Anthony Wayne died at age 51 in 1796, and Walt Disney in 1966 at age 65.

TOMORROW December 16 is:
I was going to buy peanut butter pretzel nuggets and make more chocolate-covered ones – Aldi was out of them! I’ll try again… Have a great Thursday! God Bless…
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