Treadmill, breakfast, and a short work morning. Day started good since I got a txt from Greg Pelc – Peanuts nativity! Thanks, Greg! I picked up the forgotten flour, and also got brown sugar for Kathy. I just got home was was partway through cleaning the car when Teresa called. It was a lovely day to soak up some sun, so I met her at Twin Lakes. We took this lovely bike trail (about a mile out and one back) and got some exercise as well as got caught up. GiGi came with us and she was very entertaining. When we got back to the car, we saw a horse and rider heading out, as well. And GiGi has her own car seat – never saw anything like it! GiGi is all the way up to 8 pounds now. And cute as a button!

Glad to have the car cleaned out and washed. When I walked around the yard picking up sticks I found a mum that was basically dead – but there was one loan bloom in the very middle! Cheeky little thing! Also got the kids/grandkids gifts handled and tucked away. I took some time to re-cover the wrist rest for my computer keyboard. The old one was dirty and falling off. Since this one is white (with stars!) I’m thinking it won’t last long. It matches the curtains.

Memory book – December 14th: Did you hang a Christmas stocking? “Yes. We put our name on a piece of paper and pinned it on the stocking. We hung them on the clock shelf in the kitchen. If Douds store had gotten oranges to sell we each got one in our stocking. Uncle Edd made fudge & we each had some in our stocking on Christmas morning. Mom made popcorn balls. Plastic wrap wasn’t invented so things were wrapped in wax paper. Nothing can ever taste as good as our Christmas stocking treats.” – In our prosperity we have certainly lost a lot, don’t you think? Simple, cherished treasures and memories!

On this day in 1542 Mary Queen of Scotts succeeded her father and became Queen of Scotland at 6 days old. In 1969 ‘Leaving on a Jet Plane’ – sung by Peter, Paul, and Mary and written by John Denver – hit #1, and in 2012 the Sandy Hook School Shooting left twenty 6 and 7 year old’s dead, as well as six adults and the shooter’s mother. George Washington died in 1799 at age 67, and in 1780 Alexander Hamilton married Elizabeth Schuyler. Patty Duke was born in 1946, and today 2 people are celebrating. Today is my friend Bruce Shirey’s birthday – friends through my actor friend Bear (his brother) and through Hanna’s Town (he works there). Happy birthday Bruce! And today is Nate’s Jen Johnson’s birthday. Happy, happy birthday Jen – enjoy your day and a year of wonderful surprises and blessings! Love you!

TOMORROW December 15 is:
Not a fan of cupcakes – or herding cats. I’m pretty certain Jen will be herding cats – not just tomorrow but almost every day! We should all just wear pearls in honor of cats! Anyway — God bless!
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