Only a few more days until Christmas! I’m sure parents with young children are ready to pull their hair out – kids are so wound up! But what a lovely age, all the joy and trust and excitement.
I worked this morning – And there was a box of cookies that someone had dropped off for the sale staff. They were beautiful! I had to take a picture. I did not take one – they were too pretty to eat! Ken had changed my desktop background and given my computer reindeer ears! So it was a fun start to the day.

After lunch, the kids packed up their electronics and we loaded up the car. Taking them home was one of the hardest things I’ve done in a long time. Kelly is feeling much improved but she’s not better, and I know she won’t get ‘momma’ care nor get the rest she needs. Being a Mom and a Wife is a job you can’t just sit out. There’s so much to do, and so many people need so much – I don’t want to see her wilt. It was totally silly but I cried almost the whole way home. The good thing about that was that it kept me awake! I woke up at 4:45am and couldn’t get back to sleep. So this will be very short.
I pulled over when I got off of the expressway and took a photo of the Winter Solstice Moon, then another picture from my deck when I got home. It is really big, bright, and beautiful!

Memory book – December 21st: Do you remember a ‘best’ Christmas of childhood? “When we all got to go to Grandmam & Grandpap Eakmans & be with all our cousins, which were many.” We always loved to go to Grama and Grandad Crooks’, and be with the cousins. Grama and Grandad are long passed, but the cousins still love to be together!

On this day in 1933 Fox Films signed Shirley Temple, age 5, to a studio contract, and in 1937 Walk Disney’s first full length animated feature – Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs – premiered. Carl Wilson – guitarist for the Beach Boys, was born in 1946, and Jane Fonda in 1937. General George S Patton, 60, died in 1945. Jane Fonda married Ted Turner in 1991.

TOMORROW December 22 is:
Four more sleeps until Santa! You better be good! God bless….
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