Kelly & I left a little before 9am for her appointment at the WVU Eye Institute. We took a longer route (by about 10 minutes) to avoid tolls, which was fine. We were there about an hour and a half. Very thorough. She still has a few spots on her cornea but all in all doing well. The technician pulled a ‘mucus thread’ out of her eye with tweezer-type things. She looked like she was going to freak out and I was waiting… But she did good. He upped her meds (not stronger, just longer) and wants to see her on the 28th. I think Matt will be able to take her that day as he’s on vacation.
On the way home we saw Garry’s Auto Sales. Chase’s axolotl pet is named Garry (with 2 r’s) so we took a picture. Garry took a break from eating chips to pose for us!

She’s sounding more chipper but still gets tired easily. She’s napping right now. I am still considering the possibility of making a batch of cookies… We’ll see. I’m doing a few loads of never-ending laundry and getting the boys food upon request.
A nice treat after the appointment was that we stopped at Chick-Fil-A and had lunch. Don’t tell the boys – they will be disappointed. But of course, they could have come with us and spent 5 1/2 hours sitting in the car!!! While we were waiting to pull out we saw this license plate – it reads the same frontwards and backwards. Very clever!

This picture was on my facebook feed – and it just made me smile!

Kathy and Sarah both shared pictures of River Hill church’s Christmas program last night. Millie was an angel at the manger, and she was perfect! Doesn’t she look like a darling little angel? It’s very unusual for Millie to stand still for very long, but she lived up to being very ‘angelic’ and sang with the other kids. I think she may have a future in the theater!

Got a call about noon that Grama’s clock was finally repaired, so we stopped in New Stanton on the way home and picked it up. Now it’s back home where it belongs, ticking and chiming and keeping time!

Memory book – December 20th: Tell about your experiences with Santa Claus. “Our Uncle Edd lived with us. He always dressed up like Santa Claus. He would ring sleigh bells & then come in the front door. I was around 6 or 7 before I knew “Santa” was Uncle Edd.” Dad did that – he’d dress up and knock on our living room window and shake his finger at us. We never had our slippers on and we’d make a mad dash for them. But Santa was gone before we got back. It was a while before I caught on!

On this day in 1812 Grimms Fairy Tales was published; in 1920 Bob Hope became an American citizen, and in 1950 HARVEY with Jimmy Stewart premiered. Elvis received his draft notice in 1957 (Dear 53310761…). In 1946 It’s a Wonderful Life premiered, and in 1962 the Osmond Brothers made their debut on the Andy Williams show. Sacagawea died at age 24 in 1812; Donald Trump married Marla Maples in 1993, and in 2005 Renee Zellweger married Kenny Chesney – their marriage lasted 4 months!

TOMORROW December 21 is:
- Crossword Puzzle Day
- Humbug Day
- National Maine Day
- Phileas Fogg Win A Wager Day
- Winter Solstice
- National Flashlight Day
- National French Fried Shrimp Day
- National Homeless Persons’ Remembrance Day
- Yule
- Anne & Samantha Day
Tomorrow is the Winter Solstice – shortest daylight of the year. Go to bed early with a good book – and when you wake up on the 22nd the days will be getting longer each day! (This one’s for you, Joe Faddish!) God bless!
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