It was a busy day, trying to keep up with everything. I popped over to Walmart for some extra food, and had just got home and everything put away when the pharmacy called with Kelly’s prescription. We finally found one that had the medicine in stock. So I ran out to CVS and picked that up, and got Logan the drinks he wanted that Walmart didn’t carry.
I was encouraged that Kelly ate several healthy things today, got lots of rest, and took her meds. It will take a few more days of rest and medication but hoping she’ll get it here.

While she was resting and the boys were gaming, I cooked a huge pot of fresh green beans and made a huge pot of Acini de Pepe soup (Chicken Noodle, actually). I haven’t made it in so long I forgot how to do it and had to keep looking up the recipe. It should be ready to eat within the hour. Still have several things to do tonight, including folding the second load of laundry from the dryer and re-making Kelly’s bed.
Memory book – December 17th: Tell about the neatest present you remember giving to your Dad. “Aunt Hazel & I made Dad a night shirt for winter nights. He wore it for years.” I think making shirts are very hard. So hats off to them, and him for wearing it!

On this day in 1777 General Washington’s army returned to Valley Forge. In 1903 the Wright Brothers made the first sustained motorized aircraft flight at Kitty Hawk, and in 1987 the Simpson’s (TV) premiered. Tiny Tim married Miss Vicky on The Tonight Show in 1969, and Penny Marshall (Laverne & Shirley) died in 2018 at age 75. Today my cousin Perry is having a birthday. Happy birthday, Perry! Heard you had great luck hunting this year! Have a great year!

TOMORROW December 18 is:
- National Twin Day
- National Roast Suckling Pig Day
- Answer The Telephone Like Buddy The Elf Day
- National Wreaths Across America Day
I hope someone I call answers the phone like Buddy the Elf tomorrow. That would be so fun! Have a great weekend – only 8 more sleeps til Christmas! God bless.

So thankful that Kelly is with you; her Mom, caregiver, and best medicine right now! And those extra throws that you couldn’t resist are getting used! Sweet, restful dreams to all.
Thanks – Kelly is improving but still hurting – I’m taking the best care of this little family that I can. I told her she can come up in January and stay a week and take care of me, and I’ll sit around and read and watch tv! (As if!!!)