Today, my baby son is 40 years old! I know he is feeling the transition, but so am I. Hardly seems possible – even as I reflect back on what I was doing on this date 40 years ago. I was certainly not as comfortable as I am now, sitting in this brand new office chair at my lovely desk. But it was more than worth it!

Kelly, Logan and Chase came up for a few days, so Nate, Jen, Chrissy and Autmn stopped over for a short visit. Nate’s family took him to dinner at Rizzo’s, while Kelly & I made cinnamon rolls as part of his gift. In addition to his gift, I snipped a piece of lilac branch and wired dollar bills to it for his money tree. I told him to plant it and see if possibly it would grow! But we sat and looked through a box of old photos of when my two kids were little, and the girls had a great time seeing pictures from the past. I’m sharing a few of these – and I took snapshots of them and transferred them to the computer, so they aren’t very clear. But you get the idea!

He said that for 13 years!

Nate was a good baby, and a fun toddler. One of the worst things I had to do was to go back to work after he was born. I felt like I missed out on so much, but it would be only me to provide for him and Kelly so I didn’t have a choice. So glad both my kids inherited a strong, honest work ethic, and a kind, loving heart – and had happy memories despite day cares and baby-sitters!

I’ll share the rest of today’s adventures in tomorrow’s post.
Memory book – May 26: Tell about memorial Day traditions during your youth. “It was called Decoration Day back then & we took flowers & “Decorated” the graves. My father mowed the cemetery & helped keep the old tombstones setting upright. We also put flags out on our fence posts around our yard.” Those are great family memories to share. Memorial Day these days mostly mean retail sales or Bar-B-Qs! It’s important to remember our history.

On this day in 79AD Mt. Vesuvius erupted, burying the city of Pompeii and killing thousands. In 1939 ‘Mr. Smith goes to Washington’ debuted, directed by Frank Capra and starring Jimmy Stewart. A classic! In 1966 Hollywood Squares (game show) premiered, and in 1979 Mother Teresa was awarded the Nobel Peace Price. Julia Ward Howe (wrote the Battle Hymn of the Republic) died in 1910 at age 91, and Evel Knievel (daredevil cyclist) was born in 1938. Irene Ryan – Granny on the Beverly Hillbillies – was born in 1902. My friend from HCC youth group days, Carole Means Ryder, has a birthday today (Happy birthday Carole!) as well as Nathan.

TOMORROW October 18 is:
- National Exascale Day
- International Legging Day
- National Chocolate Cupcake Day
- National No Beard Day
- National Clean Your Virtual Desktop Day
No cupcakes, but chocolate/chocolate chip muffins! That’s good enough! And none of us here have beards so we’re good to go. Have a great week. God bless…
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