It was cold, dark, and rainy so no outside walk. I realized that my neck was stiff again, and also realized it was my pillow. I had bought new ones 2 years ago but they were pretty flat already – so I decided that a good night’s sleep was more important than a dozen other things I could splurge on, so I bought Serta extra puffy pillows. We will see what happens tonight – or in the morning, actually!

I did go to the bank and deposit the money for the 3 books I sold, and then went to L&L Fleatique in Adamsburg. I hadn’t been there in quite a while and there were a lot of new and interesting things – both fall and Christmas. I took my time walking around. Just when you walk in the door Father Christmas was there to greet you! My big find there was a Snoopy Christmas travel mug- I’m really excited! Also a tiny pumpkin with a black star that looks super nice in the kitchen. I just love going to that store! I’m a fan for sure.

On the way home I was taken by the skyline over my house – so I snapped a photo. Snoopy slept through the whole thing.

I was in an organizational mood this morning – probably a carry over from yesterday – and took everything off the pantry shelves, threw away some expired items, and put everything back neatly. Job well done.

By then it was time to pick up Autmn and Penny to take them to work. As usual, for my ‘payment’ I had a taco – which was lunch, and very yummy! Service with a smile! On the way home I snapped another picture of the mountains in Irwin. Beautiful dramatic sky.

I stopped on the way home at Miller’s Crossing Fleatique, which – again – I hadn’t been to in a long time. Lots of holiday decorations, and new booths and items. I found little wooden hanging houses for $.50 a set! You can see I’m not a big spender.

Had to make a quick stop at Walmart (for the pillows) – and saw a cute shirt. Almost looked like it could have been a Hallmark advertisement! But this Grama DOES love Christmas!

I made chocolate/chocolate chip muffins from a mix that was going to expire SOON, and now I’m going to grab something to eat. Nate is requesting pie dough cinnamon rolls for his birthday treat, so I’ll mix them up tonight and bake them tomorrow! Another full day…

Memory book – April 5th: Did you ever feel a hatred for another person? Explain. “I just remember after the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor the whole nation had a hatred for them. We also hated Hitler. When I got older I understood not to ‘Hate’ anyone. Just what they did.” That is a very hard lesson to learn. Some never do learn it, as evidenced in today’s culture.

On this day in 1847 the book “Jane Eyre” was published; in 1859 John Brown led a raid on the federal arsenal at Harper’s Ferry, WV (originally Virginia). In 1950 the first edition of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C S Lewis was released. In 1957 Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip visited Williamsburg VA. In 1793 Marie Antoinette (Let them eat cake!) – queen of France – was guillotined for treason at age 37. Barbara Billingsley (mom in Leave it to Beaver) died at age 94 in 2010, and Shirley Booth (maid in Hazel) died at age 94 in 1992. Angela Lansbury (Murder, she Wrote) was born in 1925, and Noah Webster (Dictionary) was born in 1758. And my nephew’s son Isaac Eisaman is celebrating his 15th birthday today. Happy birthday, Isaac – hope it was a great day!

TOMORROW October 17 is:
As Mom would say, have a good day in the House of the Lord tomorrow. God Bless…
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