It’s a cool but beautiful day. After breakfast (boys were still sleeping) Kelly and I ran a few errands. It wouldn’t have taken quite so long, but we got stuck in traffic on Route 30 because of traffic light replacement work at the intersection of Route 30 and North Greengate road. We mostly accomplished what we set out to do – I cashed a check and picked up another blanket (it’s an addiction…). That started the day out exactly right.

Other than mundane tasks, that has been the day. Cooking, laundry, cooking, cooking, cooking….. Does anyone ever eat at the same time?
As promised, here is the rest of yesterday’s events. October 17th was the last week that Kyle would preach at Hempfield Church. He – along with their truck of belongings – is leaving on the 25th for his place as senior minister at a church in Logan, Iowa. Janet, Anaya, Josiah, Noah and the dog will leave the following week.

Kyle’s message was – as always – excellent. He is truly a man after God’s heart. I am hoping that his sermons will be either taped and available or live-streamed, as I will miss his knowledge, insight, and God-breathed instruction. His message yesterday was about the Children of Israel spying out the Promised Land – and how they didn’t trust God to help them take the land. Our God is GREAT – worthy of our trust. God said it was good, and it was; he said they could do it, but they didn’t. God gives it, and He does the work for us. But even after all the distrust and failures, God forgave. We can’t deserve or even earn God’s grace, but He gives it freely. We need to accept it and serve Him, no matter where we go, where we live, or who we’re with. He is good!

Janet sang a song about friendship, and praying for each other – and I don’t think I could have done that. It’s an emotional time for everyone.

After the service there was cake and fellowship in the welcome center. It’s a hard time to get through – having both the youth minister and the senior minister leaving their positions at Hempfield within a month of each other. But God is indeed good, and no matter what mistakes are made, what feelings are hurt, what spirits are broken, and whose opinions are shattered — He is in control and can make beauty from ashes. Keep praying for each other without ceasing, and look to the future as the answer to God’s grace.

Autmn came over after lunch, and we worked on her Halloween costume. She had a picture of an Elton John costume that she was duplicating, and she did an excellent job! I was very impressed. I helped her do a small alteration with her white jeans, and then it was perfect, from the crazy glasses to the platform shoes. Lookin’ good!

Memory book – September 15: What teacher did you dislike the most? Why? “Mayador McMillia was a very un-fair teacher. He was disliked by all the parents, as well as the students. I was in 5th or 6th grade when he taught at Davis School.” It doesn’t matter if it’s home, school, job, or church – there will always be difficult situations and people who are hard to like or are if differing opinions. Ask God to help you love them, even if you don’t like them. That would be Mom’s advise to all of us!

On this day in 1867 – Alaska Day – celebrated the formal transfer of Alaska from Russia to the US. In 1851 Moby Dick was published. Thomas Edison died at age 84 in 1931; Bess Truman (first Lady when I was born!) in 1982 at age 97, and Colin Powell (first black US Secretary of State) died today – 2021 – at age 84. Demi Moore and Bruce Willis divorced in 2000. Lee Harvey Oswald was born in 1939, Erin Moran (Joannie on Happy Days) in 1960, and Chuck Berry (Rock and Roll artist) in 1926. And our most senior member of the Skunk Hollow Girls (cousins) has a birthday today – Happy birthday Gail Pauline Crooks Patterson Sexton! Hope it’s a great year with many more to follow! Love you!

TOMORROW October 19 is:
- National Kentucky Day
- National Seafood Bisque Day
- National LGBT Center Awareness Day
- Pro-Life Day of Silent Solidarity
- National Pharmacy Technician Day
Tomorrow I will take a little time out of my day to go to work, then spend the rest of the day here with Kelly and the boys. Have a great day! God bless…
Oh no, another blanket! Or, oh yes! Will look good with the reindeer. I’m going to see how far off my NY to CO path Logan Iowa is. Maybe I can deliver a surprise package en route to the girls in November! Tell Kelly hi!
That would be lovely, and they would SO enjoy that. You are a dear friend just to think of that. The reindeer remind me of my Christmas story, which I loved writing. I’m excited to get busy on the summer story, which is already started. I’ll keep you posted and let me know when you are going to CO!!! Love you! (Kelly says hi back)