I woke up at 5am with a headache and a queasy stomach. For the next 3 hours I was up and down, thinking I would probably eventually be sick, but never was. I took a few Tums, gulped a few swallows of Pepsi, and tried to get some rest. I cancelled my plans to help Janet, as I wasn’t sure what the issue was, and didn’t want to share any germs. Also cancelled plans to spend part of the evening with Kath – which I was really looking forward to. But I didn’t want to take any chances, not knowing what was wrong.

I curled up in bed until almost 11:30am. I finished MURDER AT KINGSCOTE by Alyssa Maxwell (I think it may have been my favorite Newport mystery to date), and just tried to relax. After a quick shower I felt pretty good, so I had hot tea and toast. My stomach seemed to be back to normal, so I tossed a load of clothes in the wash and went to the garage. I’m not the type to sit around when I have even the smallest amount of energy, so I slowly started moving some boxes and piles that had gotten disarranged over the summer.

I took my time, and got the worst problem areas cleaned off and stacked away from the shelves. I reorganized several dozen boxes and totes, threw things away, and packed things in the car to donate. Then it took me about an hour and a half to figure out how to put everything back. The worst was making trips down to the shed. I didn’t want to carry heavy items so I made several trips. Now the garage looks much neater and uncluttered, I know where more items are, and I also cleaned out the cedar chest. I think Nate wants to take it over to Chrissy when they move. I’ll handle disposing of the excess either tomorrow or Sunday.

L&L Fleatique posted new photos of displays, and it enticed me to go over and check it out. Probably tomorrow after I go to the bank. I sold a few books yesterday and need to deposit that money so I’ll just go from there.

So now I am listening to the ’25 most beautiful places in America’ – and happy to say I’ve been to a few, though not many. I’ll get something small to eat next then just chill out for the evening. I’m really thinking my stomach issue was something I ate, and am glad the issue wasn’t any more intense! So I’ll stay laid back this evening.

Today was National Boss’s day – and although I did post on facebook just wanted to take a minute to say how blessed I am to work for and with such a great group of guys. They are gentlemen, they are smart, they are kind, they have a great business sense, they are worthy of respect and also respect me. Thank you Rege, Joe, Ken, and Barry – for the years we have spent together! You guys are great! (Had to edit photos!)

Memory book – March 10: What was your favorite movie as a youth? Why? “Anything with Gene Autry playing in the western. Gone with the Wind became my all time favorite when I finally went to see it some time in the early 1940’s. I fell in love with Clark Gable.” I get it, Mom! Rhett certainly had a way about him! You picked a good movie.

On this day in 1860 11-year-old Grace Bedell wrote to Abraham Lincoln telling him to grow a beard. He said it was silly, but he did it. In 1881 the first American fishing magazine, American Angler, was published, and in 1924 President Calvin Coolidge declared the Statue of Liberty a National Monument. In 1951 I LOVE LUCY debuted, and in 1954 RIN TIN TIN debuted. Charlotte’s Web was published in 1952, and Dolly Parton released ‘Jolene’ in 1973. In 1977 Debbie Boone’s ‘You Light up my Life’ hit #1 and stayed there for 10 weeks. Penny Marshall (Laverne of Laverne and Shirley) was born in 1943; Mata Hari – Dutch exotic dancer and the world’s most famous spy – was executed as a spy by a firing squad at age 41 in 1917. Beatrix Potter married William Heelis (watch the movie – it’s very good!) in 1913, and the 38th President Gerald Ford married Betty Warren in 1948. And our Skunk Hollow Cousin Colleen welcomed a new granddaughter today – Sadie Elaine! Congrats to Brittany and Seth and big brother Heath!

TOMORROW October 16th is:
- National Sports Day
- National Liqueur Day
- National Dictionary Day
- Global Cat Day
- Department Store Day
- National Sweetest Day
Lots to choose from tomorrow – but be as sweet as you can. Everyone will appreciate that! Have a happy day! God bless…
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