Early cool walk, work at both stores, and lunch with Auntie D at Chilli’s. I’d never been there. Anywhere Aunt Darlene frequents she has a following, and today it was Katie. The staff are really friendly and nice to her, and she’s very kind and generous to them. She talks up my book, Letters to Mary, everywhere she goes, and today she left the book as a tip for Katie! She’s good for my ego! It was nice to catch up with her and visit a bit.

When I got home I changed into yardwork clothes and set out to finish cleaning up the flower beds. At this point they are all done! All the dead stalks are cut back, weeds pulled, stray branches trimmed back, and cuttings all tucked in bags ready for the trash. Now, in the spring, the new little sprouts and buds and plants can grow and bloom and be happy and beautiful all summer.

When I got to work in Jeannette, there was a small pumpkin on my desk. Rege said Ken left it there. So I left him a note that I was adopting it, and he could have visitation or joint custody, but it was coming home with me! Happily, it’s nesting under the orange mum! Perfect!

And surprisingly, the white lilac is sprinkled with blooms. Unheard of for October!

Memory book – March 3rd: Did you ever pretend to be sick as an excuse to stay home from school? “I loved school & never wanted to miss. I had a sick time in 5th or 6th grade. The teacher came to the house so I could take the tests. I guess my mother was a good teacher as I always made 100% on the tests.” It’s amazing that mom wanted so badly to study and learn! She was always trying to get more information and learn everything she could!

On this day in 1926 A A Milne’s “Winnie the Pooh” book was released, and in 1957 ‘Wake up Little Susie’ by the Everly Brother reached #1. President Ronald Reagan proclaimed war on drugs in 1982. Roger Moore – actor (James Bond) – was born in 1927; Dwight D Eisenhower, 34th president, was born in 1890, and Ralph Lauren (designer) in 1939. In 1644 William Penn – founder of Pennsylvania – was born, and Big Crosby (White Christmas fame) died at age 74 in 1977.

TOMORROW October 15th is:
- National Shawarma Day
- National Aesthetician Day
- National Cheese Curd Day
- National I Love Lucy Day
- National Grouch Day
- National Latino AIDS Awareness Day
- National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day
- National White Cane Safety Day
- National Mammography Day
- Boss’s Day
Whatever else you celebrate, make sure you let your boss know that you respect and appreciate them! Mine are super great! I’ll certainly let them know! Don’t be a grouch! God bless…
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