Early morning treadmill, and frost on the leafy yard. First frost of the 2021-2022 season! Temps are to dip down into the mid-20’s tonight. Glad I don’t have to work tomorrow! Although, I was hoping to rake leaves. Not sure it will be warm enough. We’ll see in the morning.

I noticed as I was getting breakfast that my neighbor has a new addition in his back yard. There is a hula-dancing Santa waving and swaying. I’ll have to check out what he looks like from the front one of these days. He was dancing again tonight but it was too cold to walk down and see! Ho Ho Ho

Both stores had deals for me, and also Mike G had a title to do. I met Kelly’s friend in Irwin to pick up pepperoni rolls, and I can’t guarantee that all of them will make it to West Alexander… I finally got groceries, put them away; then I changed into my 18th century clothes and was at Hanna’s Town by 3:06pm. I was a greeter, a docent, a gopher, and an informant all evening – from 4pm until about 7pm. Then the last half hour about 5 of us sat in the LeFevre house around the fireplace to keep warm, and just chatted: antiques, ghost stories, raking leaves. Tom heated water in a metal cup over the open fire coals for tea. Perfect evening.

Lisa was presiding over the LeFevre house, and Dave was pouring the samples of beer from All Saints Brewery, with pretzels and nuts as snacks. Eloise was stationed in the tavern, and there was wassail there with cheese and fruit snacks – plus a beautiful fire. Both places had candles and lanterns. From there, guests walked up to the new education center, where the Penn’s Woods exhibit was open – displays of tools, artifacts, paintings and reproductions of time-appropriate craftmanship. The gift shop was open and stocked with holiday gifts and goodies – plus tea and cookies. Everyone had a great time, and stayed quite a while. There were several families with kids, and I even saw several people I knew. These guys – staff and volunteers – are so very nice, and comfortable to share the evening with. I am so blessed to be part of this group.

Kathy and Mae came out to visit, as well, and they enjoyed all the buildings and displays. I asked Mae her favorite part, and she said the Goal (Jail) – I said I’d try to get her a room…. I’m so happy they came!

Here are some random photos:

All of the programs offered at Hanna’s Town, including the weekly tours, are well worth the time. Check out the website at www.westmorelandhistory.org to find out what programs are coming up, including Museum Store Sunday (11/28); Three Centuries of Christmas in America (12/4 and 12/11); and Holiday Family Day (12/29). Hope to see you there!

Memory book – November 2nd: Tell about your first date with him (my dad). “It was in the fall, 1947. He was discharged and came out to see me. He came as often as he could get his father’s car. Sometimes he came & brought his friend Russ Brown & his girlfriend Mary Jane Keister.” (Mom and Mary Jane were best friends until Mary Jane passed away. Kath and I grew up with her kids.)

On this day in 1646 Massachusetts used the death penalty for denying that the Holy Bible was God’s Word – wow, how times have changed! In 1841 the first wagon train reached California. Art Carney, actor (Honeymooners), was born in 1918; Laura Bush (first lady for 43rd president) in 1946; Loretta Swit, actress (MASH), in 1937, and Matthew McConaughey, actor, (Lincoln commercials!) in 1969. In 1842 Mary Todd married Abraham Lincoln.

TOMORROW November 5 is:
Beth Swan, I love your red hair. And I love you! Have a happy Friday everyone – God bless!

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