Sweet 16! Wow, how the years have flown. My first grandson, Kelly & Matt’s first born. And today he’s looking forward to getting his driver’s permit! Look out world!

I know he’ll be a great driver, because he’s amazingly good at everything he sets his mind to. He doesn’t like class work, but he charges right through it. He can out-think most of the adults that he’s around, and usually has a solution (that works!) for everything, and always has a comment for everything. In that sense, he’s like his great-grandad Cliff. My dad was just that way.

Peyton is kind, respectful, very intelligent, fun and funny, and a blessing all around. He’s one of the hardest workers I know, and loves the Lord. I’m so excited for this step in his life, and hope that as he gets out into the driving world he is just as kind and respectful and cautious on the roads.

Have a wonderful birthday, Peyton – and may God’s blessings shower on you as you make your way – one mile at a time! – into this coming year. Love you! (Pictures not in date order…)

And this just in, this very second: Peyton got his permit – answered 15 out of 15 correctly! I couldn’t be prouder, or more excited, for him!

Memory book – November 3rd: What qualities first attracted you to him? (Meaning my father) “He liked to have fun & enjoy life. He was very kind & loving to his mother.” Peyton, those are good qualities to have. I’m glad you are like him in so many ways!

On this day in 1620 the Great Patent was granted to the Plymouth Colony; in 1900 the first US automobile show took place at Madison Square Garden NYC. In 1911 Chevrolet officially entered the automobile market, competing with Ford’s Model T, and in 1913 the first modern elastic brassier was patented. In 1956 the Wizard of Oz was televised for the first time, hosted by Burt Lahr and Liza Minnelli (Judy Garland’s daughter). Annie Oakley – sharp shooter – died at age 66 in 1926, and Mary Martin, actress (Peter Pan!) at age 76 in 1990. And of course, today is Peyton Matthew Hancher’s 16th birthday! Happy, happy birthday, Peyton! Love you! Many more!!

TOMORROW November 4 is:
OK – I’ll take the candy! Have a great day today – and God Bless!
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