It was a very cold but sunny morning. Everything covered in frost. My hydrangea bush totally froze out and died overnight. I will cut it back tomorrow. Treadmill, shower, breakfast, then a few errands. I was pleased because I left the whole day to accomplish three things – and I did it – except that I forgot something from yesterday and remembered at the last minute. Threw me into a panic, but God blessed me and I got everything handled easily and on time. The funny thing that I found in the one store was an advent calendar for dogs. How does that even work?

I started out by stopping at the Dollar Tree to get balloons for the Sunday School class. Our lesson is how the Jews celebrated Esther’s bravery and threw a huge celebration in her honor – called the Purim. We are celebrating Purim on Sunday in our class. Mary is bringing treats and I’m bringing balloons.

Then I stopped at Walmart for several totes. Claudia and I are planning to organize the kitchen at Hanna’s Town on Tuesday so I bought 3 different sizes. It’s a start, and I can exchange or add to that if I need to.

I also rearranged a few things in the garage and plugged in the freezer. When I was sure it was getting cold, I filled it with MY items from the other freezer. Plenty of room now for both Nate and I to keep whatever frozen items we need. Especially ice cream and frozen pizza, for me!

We had made plans for this afternoon and evening, but something unexpected came up to thwart our plans. We were in Amish country when we realized that we could not spend the evening as we had thought. It was disappointing, but we were glad to have the time together (Mae, Kathy, and I), and see lots of Amish buggies and beautiful scenery. It was NOT a wasted trip! We are all thankful for the blessings we have each day, great and small.

Memory book – November 5: Tell about how my dad proposed marriage to you. “We were in the living room & he got down on his knee & asked me if I would marry him. I said yes. Russ ask Mary Jane to marry him the same night. They had planned it that way.” That was very thoughtful and romantic! Young love!

On this day in 1492 Christopher Columbus learned how to grow & harvest maize (corn) from the Cubans; in 1988 the Beach Boys’ KOKOMO reached #1. In 1927 the first seeing eye dog came to the US. Vivien Leigh, actress (Scarlett in GONE WITH THE WIND), was born in 1913; Roy Rogers in 1911; Art Garfunkel in 1941. George M Cohan, father of musical comedy, died at age 64 in 1942, and Fred MacMurray, actor, died in 1991 at age 83. And in 1977 George W Bush (43rd president) married Laura Welch.

TOMORROW November 6 is:
I plan to play in the leaves tomorrow, so I’ll be outside. I also plan to stay home. Enjoy your Saturday. God bless!
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