Treadmill, work, then voted before I came home to start chores. It was fun at Greensburg – a friend (Don) from Smail’s (back in the 60’s!) stopped to get something notarized, and he knew both Bernie and Ken. After he left the three of us stood around talking for 45 minutes, about the ‘olden days’ at Smail in particular and the car business in general. Laughter and reminiscing are both good for the soul!
After a bowl of Campbell’s soup, I changed the baby doll’s clothes to something fall. I totally forgot about that. She’s been in her patriotic sundress since May. All better now. I cleaned out the planter on the deck, because it is falling apart and Nate is going to cart it up to the trash. In the meantime I put the Mum inside and it looks ok. But it’s disintegrating! I had to empty the stones out of it a bucket at a time – took 5 trips!

After that I started raking leaves. The tree is still full, so this is not the end of it. I did cut the grass afterwards and was happy that it looked nice in the afternoon sunlight – at least for an hour! Maybe….

My movies came today! I ordered TIMELESS CHRISTMAS back in the summer on pre-order, and it was finally shipped with my other movie (Paul Campbell and Kimberly Sustad) Christmas by Starlight. I usually purchase one or two a year for my collection. If I have a favorite from this season (which I already do so far – The Santa Stakeout!) I’ll order it next spring/summer and get it in November! I still have 2 chores to do today after I post this, but neither will take long — I hope!

Memory book – November’s questions will deal with courtship, marriage, and my (meaning me/Marge) arrival in the world. November 1st: Tell about how you first knew my father. “Your father used to stay with his Uncle Chester Brown, who was married to my cousin Hazel Crooks. We knew each other as young kids. When he joined the army his Aunt Hazel Brown told me to write to him. I did & we became friends through our letters.” (Hazel Crooks is Hazel Brown.)

On this day in 1783 General George Washington bid farewell to his army after the Revolutionary War; in 1859 American abolitionist John Brown was found guilty of murder and treason, and sentenced to hang. In 1867 the magazine Harper’s Bazaar was first published. In 1898 the first official cheerleader – Johnny Campbell – led cheers at the University of Minnesota football game, and in 1983 President Ronald Reagan signed the bill establishing Dr. Martin Luther King Jr holiday. Michael Jackson’s THRILLER was released worldwide in 1983, and in 1896 the first auto insurance policy was sold – and no, it wasn’t Flo or the Geico Gecko! It was in Britain. Burt Lancaster was born in 1913; Warren G Harding (29th president) in 1865 (he died in office); James K Polk, 11th president, in 1795, and Marie Antoinette, Queen of France, in 1755. Danie Boone was born in 1734, and Jenny Lind (called the Swedish Nightingale and sung 93 concerts for PT Barnum) died in 1887 at age 67.

TOMORROW November 3rd is:
Have a sandwich tomorrow. It’s an easy meal and will reduce your stress levels! God bless…
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