I started November 1st by switching from walking outside to using the treadmill. It makes sense, with the weather cool and often damp in the mornings, and late afternoon and evening walks will be in the dark after Sunday. And the bonus is that I can read my Nook as I walk!

After work today I picked up Mae again, and we went to Gabes. We both bought two small items, than came back to my place and had grilled cheese, homegrown corn, and mint chocolate chip ice cream. I would call that a good day!

I took Mae back to Kathy’s, then took down the Halloween decorations and added Thanksgiving ones to the fall ones that I left up. The one sad thing is that two sets of my orange lights did not work, and Walmart was totally sold out. So I am minus a few lights, but otherwise all is as it should be!

Here are a few pictures from last night after I posted Halloween. I did go over and pick up Autmn and Chrissy. Chris won a giant Llama in a game at Kennywood, so we did a photo shoot! Also had pictures of Autmn and Chrissy before they went. Nate and Jen were standing outside with a tiki torch handing out candy. Seems like a successful day. I wasn’t actually home that much after all.

On the way home I did see some trick-or-treaters in unusual costumes…

Memory book – October 31st: Do you have a special Halloween memory? “We used to go out & throw corn at the windows of the neighbors. It was always chilly weather & we would run from farm house to farm house. It was fun to think we frightened these ‘old folks’.”

On this day in 1512 Michelangelo’s painting on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel was first exhibited, and in 1765 the Stamp Act went into effect in the British colonies. John Adams became the first president to live in the White House in 1800, and in 1928 the first celebration of Author’s Day was held. The TITANIC movie premiered in 1997 with Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet. In 1962 the first US Christmas Stamps went on sale, and in 1861 General George B McClellan was named commander in chief of the US Army. Today is All Saints Day. Gary Player – golfer – was born in 1935; Mamie Doud Eisenhower, First Lady, died at age 82 in 1979.

TOMORROW November 2 is:
Tomorrow is also election day. Get out and vote! And maybe eat a deviled egg… God bless!
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