This morning started as cold, rainy, and very overcast – and didn’t look to improve. But it’s almost 5pm and the sun is shining, making the leaves look golden and orange and bright. I think our little trick-or-treaters will have a dry evening to case the neighborhood.

My front yard is a blanket of leaves. They are too wet to rake – hopefully we’ll have a day this week to clean them up.

It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown! I – as well as the rest of you – are waiting in our most sincere pumpkin patch for the Great Pumpkin to bring gifts to those who believe! I have a rug and a flag, so how much more sincere can I get? But I think the Easter Bunny has his holidays mixed up…

I have discovered that the two best times of the year to go for groceries are 1) during the Super Bowl, and 2) during Trick or Treat! So that is my plan for tonight. I am counting on no ‘tricks!’ * Update – I have to pick up Chrissy & Autmn so I don’t know WHAT I’m doing tonight! 🙂

I asked my Sunday School class if they knew what today was, and JJ said October 32nd! Obviously they aren’t totally focused on the calendar OR on Halloween Trick or Treat! That’s a good thing. Max was pretty wound up, and ended up on the floor with his drink spilled on his pant leg! But all he was worried about was needing more drink!

Memory book – October 30: What did people do at Halloween? “Whole families dressed up in old clothes & went from neighbors to neighbors. Each family would arrange to go on a different night so we could be home to try & guess who each person was. Our mother made popcorn balls to give as a treat.”
On this day in 1913 the first US paved coast to coast highway – Lincoln Highway – was dedicated; it goes right through our town! In 1918 the Spanish flu killed 21,000 people in the US in a single week. ‘What Ever Happened to Baby Jane’ – horror film – was released, starring Bette Davis and Joan Crawford. In 1941 Mt Rushmore memorial was completed. In 1517 Martin Luther started the Protestant Reformation. Michael Landon – actor – was born in 1936; Dale Evans in 1912; Juliette Low (founder of the Girl Scouts) in 1860, and Vanilla Ice – rapper – in 1967. Harry Houdini died in 1926 at age 52, and Sean Connery, actor, (James bond) died at age 90 in 2020.

TOMORROW November 1 is:
- National Biologic Coordinators Day *
- Autistics Speaking Day
- National Authors’ Day
- National Brush Day
- National Calzone Day
- National Cinnamon Day
- National Deep Fried Clams Day
- National  Cook For Your Pets Day
- National Family Literacy Day
- National Vinegar Day
- Color the World Orange Day (Note: God is already doing that!)
- Job Action Day
National Authors’ Day! How cool is that! I will write something tomorrow! It’s also All Saint’s Day. God bless!

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