June 3, 2021

Took an outside walk this morning, then worked both stores. It was cloudy and rainy but cleared up later. Joe had his puppy Wilson at the store today. Wilson is a cuddly little guys, but does like to bark! He felt most comfortable on Joe’s lap (which meant Joe struggled to get anything done on the computer!) but when someone came in he had to check them out!

Wilson checking things out

Chrissy called me, and she passed all her classes (even the dreaded math!) so she’s officially 10th grade! Chase is going into 7th; Logan into 9th; Peyton into 10th but has several 11th grade credits. Tomorrow night at this time I will be at Autmn’s graduation ceremony!


Kelly, Matt and the boys came up to get title work done on Peyton’s Dodge truck. We ordered pizza – Kelly and I sat out on the deck and the guys watched funny videos – we could hear them laughing from outside! Then I restacked the wood piles behind the shed and moved the hummingbird feeder; it didn’t seem to be attracting birds. It’s closer to the flowers now, so maybe that will help. It’s also close the rose bushes, which are overflowing with roses!

A neater stack of wood
Trying a new spot…
A profusion of roses

Today I will share Dennis’s Memorial Day messaged from Inverness (FL) about friends. We should pick our friends carefully. Worldly friends are centered on themselves; spiritual ones serve and are respectful to others. We are all valuable to the body of Christ, and we need to be free to worship and share. The church is a sanctuary, and freedom to worship there comes at a cost. We should stop and consider how WE will be remembered. There are many different battles we may fight: Military, religious, personal, life itself. We have eternal life to celebrate along side our friends, and to remember those who have fought to keep us free. At the end of the service Taps was played, and it was very moving. Let us never forget…

Dennis – Inverness FL
Taps – by Emily Reisdorf

On this day in 1864 General Robert E Lee won his last victory of the Civil War at the battle of Cold Harbor. Jefferson Davis – President of the Confederate States of America – was born in 1808; Muhammad Ali (Cassius Clay) – boxer – died in 2016 at age 74, and in 1937 the Duke of Windsor married Mrs. Wallis Simpson (scandalous – read about it!)

Confederate General Robert E. Lee
Robert E Lee
King of the United Kingdom Edward VIII
Duke of Windsor – he’s kind of cute….
Duchess of Windsor Wallis Simpson
Wallis Simpson

TOMORROW June 4 is:

Hug your cat day! That sound comforting! I think National Doughnut Day will get the most attention – Y108 was talking about it all morning! Made me hungry for a buttercruch donut from Dunkin’ Donuts! Share a donut with your favorite cat, and have a SAFE day! God bless…

cute cat toy a knitted donut. | Eat to perform, Cats, Donut cat
Happy cat donut time!
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