Today was a long, emotional day – but we all managed very well together and separately. Kath and I left at 8am, and only drove through about 20 minutes of pouring rain. The rest of the day was clear and sunny (except for a few clouds on the way home).

The private family viewing at the funeral home was at noon – and we finally met John’s youngest daughter Judy. John’s two sons were not able to attend. Jim had obligations that he could not avoid and he is out of state. Dick and his wife Bobbie were still in Colorado and won’t be back until Sunday. But there were a nice amount of people there – friends and neighbors and those from church. It was so nice to talk to John’s granddaughter Tracy. She and Mom were VERY close, and they helped each other navigate some dicey waters when things got rough. We promised to keep in touch – her twins Gracie and Owen are about 9 days older than Autmn. She’s a lovely woman and I hope we CAN keep in touch.

Barb, Kath, Aunt Joan (Mom’s sister), Me, Judy, Dot, and Judy’s son Brett
John’s niece Donna (also out of state) sent the most unique basket – all fresh vegetables. I never saw anything like it.

There was a beautiful butterfly and bow tree that was somehow a comfort.

The pastor (and friend) Byron Gurnee gave the celebration service – he talked about the fact that John rejoiced in his life even when it was difficult. He quoted Job 1:21 – and the last part reads: The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised. Byron said that John told him the ‘God’s been better to me than I’ve been to Him.’ I think we can all say that. John trusted the Lord and believe the John 14: 1-4 – 1“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. 2My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? 3And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. 4You know the way to the place where I am going.” One of my favorite verses. No doubt John’s room is on a farm somewhere, with gardens and trees and a porch with kittens and a nice breeze. And a John Deere that he can ride to cut the grass! His niece Lisa said she asked John what he thought contributed to living to be 100 – his answer was to love the Lord and serve him. Byron was pleased to find John studying his Bible – wanting to find and trust the Living Hope of Jesus his redeemer. It was a lovely service.

On this day in 1732 a royal charter was granted to Georgia, and in 1958 ‘Purple People Eater’ was #1. The emperor NERO died at age 31 in the year 68AD, and Charles Dickens at age 58 in 1870. Birthdays: Michael J Fox in 1961 and Johnny Depp in 1963. And today my fellow writer and good friend Ron Shafer celebrated a birthday. Happy birthday Ron! And many, many more happy and fun days to celebrate!

TOMORROW June 10th is:
- National Egg Roll Day
- National Ballpoint Pen Day
- National Iced Tea Day
- National Black Cow Day
- National Herbs and Spices Day
It will be a long time before I can actually think of John being gone. It just feels like he should be there, sitting in his chair by the window, having the television up too loud, reading his manuals and magazines and newspapers. But I know he’s rejoicing and happy ‘home’ where he wanted to be! God bless…
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