If you just look at what we did today it would be boring. It was basically who we did it with that made it special! Kelly and I started out first thing making the scones, and having them warm right out of the oven. We had just finished cleaning all that up when a gentleman from a local nursery came to give me an estimate on cleaning up the back flower beds – they have turned into a tangled mess. I’ll be really interested in seeing the estimate! Kelly & I popped over to Walmart for the last minute things we need for Sunday’s dinner, then got to work on food. Potato salad, deviled eggs, egg salad, and potato casserole for tonight’s supper. I had to run to work at 2pm for about 45 minutes, but then we made the requested chocolate chip cookies cake for Easter dessert. Now Kelly is working on a blanket for our friend’s son – the boys are still playing their eternal XBox games, and I’m going to post this before we stop for supper. I think we plan to commandeer the TV for the 8pm Hallmark Christmas movie!
Today is Good Friday, the day when the corrupt and angry crowds demanded that Jesus be crucified – after a rushed, illegal trial and false accusations. We can be thankful that Jesus did indeed keep quiet – sealing our salvation and eternal life! THAT, my friends, makes it good. Think on these things.
I will share Paul’s Palm Sunday message (Sorrowful Savior) from River Hill. Jesus rode into the city quietly – but the crowds were shouting; the people didn’t understand. They wanted to see the healer, wanted a king. That was not the plan, and Jesus wept for Jerusalem The celebrating was for deliverance from sin and death – but they missed the opportunity for seeing that. Will we recognize the opportunity? 1) Jesus arranged for the young donkey 2) The people waved palms and put cloaks on the road. WE will be the crowd some day. 3) Hosanna! Part of the worship was giving praise = WE need to praise. The crowds were looking for a conqueror, not a savior. Jesus saw himself as a suffering savior, a sacrifice. 4) Why did Jesus cry? They did not recognize Jesus as Lord and King, sacrificial lamb, and were disappointed at what they saw happen. We will ALL recognize Jesus – and bow down!
On this day in 1877 the first Easter Egg Roll on the White House Lawn took place. In 1912 the Titanic underwent sea trials. In 1917 President Woodrow Wilson asked congress to declare war against Germany… and in 1921 Albert Einstein lectured in NY on the Theory of Relativity. This day has a lot of notable birthdays: Casanova born in 1725, Hans Christian Anderson in 1805, Walter Chrysler (Chrysler Corporation founder) in 1875, Buddy Ebsen (Jed Clampett) in 1908, and Marvin Gaye in 1939. Samuel Morse (Morse Code) died at age 80 in 1872, and in 1836 Charles Dickens married Catherine Thomson Hogarth.
TOMORROW April 3rd is:
- National Chocolate Mousse Day
- National Film Score Day
- National Find a Rainbow Day
- National Tweed Day
- World Party Day
- National Love Our Children Day
- National Handmade Day
I am going to look for rainbows all day tomorrow – even if it’s on the internet or in books. And I will never, ever, pass up a chance to love my children! God bless…
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