I didn’t have to work this morning, so I took my time getting ready for my chiropractor appointment. I did have oatmeal for breakfast.

Before I left I got a txt from Autmn. She sent me pictures of Cameron in the tub, and with Nate yesterday watching the game.

She included a picture of their newest pet. I guess Noah is very much into reptiles. Ugh. It’s name is Popcorn but I can’t even type the name of what it is. Freaks me out. I said if I ever visit there, Popcorn will have to go outside and play or it will make me very nervous. No accounting for people’s tastes…

I drove through Greensburg today and as Kathy told me yesterday, Dad’s banner is not up by the Post Office. I called the Go Greensburg office and it was explained to me that sometimes after the holiday decorations come down, the banners go up in a different location. So I guess we have to drive around Greensburg to find it!

I had grilled cheese with homemade bread for lunch. As always it was yummy!

My chiropractor, Ms. Ally, suggested I take the herb ‘Cat’s Claws’. I said I’d just borrow some cats from Jen as she had plenty! Now I have to research Cat’s Claws. Never heard of it. I’m not 100% but very much improved after my treatment.

Scripture of the Day:


TOMORROW February 11th is:
Armed Forces Day; Be Electrific Day; Don’t Cry over Spilled Milk Day; Get out your Guitar Day; Grandmother Achievement Day; National Foundation Day; National Inventors’ Day; National Safe Internet Day; National Latte Day; National Make a Friend Day; National Peppermint Patty Day (the candy, not Snoopy’s friend); White Shirt Day; National Shut-In Visitation Day.
As a Grandmother, there is a lot I can achieve! Never invented anything though. Not a fan of Lattes, with or without spilled milk. Especially in a white shirt. God bless!
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