It was sunny and bright all day – but still cold and a bit windy. I was glad to get my errands done in sunshine rather than clouds and rain. I guess there’s two more winter storms heading our way!

Since I didn’t do my ironing while Kelly was here, now I have a huge stack. Bummer.

About 10:30am I zipped over to Walmart and got my groceries. Kelly and I did so much cooking and baking that I used up everything. I like to replace items as soon and I pull the last one out of the pantry. A stop at the bank, Dollar General, Dollar Tree, TJ Max, and Target finished everything up. I came home, put all the groceries away, and made a nice salad and garlic toast for lunch.

Autmn sent me a video of Cameron saying ‘Mimi’! I was so excited. Can’t wait to see him!

The step stool I got at TJ Maxx was too tall for my comfort. I got one for Kelly too and she thinks it will be just perfect!

Scripture of the Day – courtesy of Diane:


TOMORROW February 8th is:
Global Movie Day; Laugh and Get Rich Day (REALLY???!!!???); Molasses Bar Day; National Boy Scout Day; Opera Day; Propose Day; National Kite Flying Day.
Tomorrow is also a book signing at B&N for my friend Lee, so I think I’ll go. Haven’t done that in a very long time. I’ll probably watch a movie, too, but I’ll leave the kite flying to Charlie Brown. God bless…
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