It was touch and go this morning with the weather. We had flurries while I was getting ready for church, and it was coming down steady when I got to church. Thankfully it let up enough that there was so actual accumulation, and walking/driving was safe.

Todd’s message was the last one in the series, ‘Church’. The pressing question was, ‘Does the church really matter?’ The answer is YES. Surveys taken show that nations are respected and successful – not because of Armies or Finances or Power – but because of their ethics and Christian principles. Scripture says we must have laws against evil, but no laws are needed against the fruit of the spirit: Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self Control.

Our Sunday School class was studying Baptism today. There is a song by Kenny Chesney and Randy Travis that has been a very moving favorite of mine for years. If you get a chance to look it up, it’s called ‘Down with the Old Man (Up with the New). Find the Video if you can – the visuals are very real…

After lunch (a piece of last night’s leftover pizza) I took everything out of the hall linen closet and straightened it out. It’s nice and tidy now. I had a whole box of little travel toothpaste tubes. Who would have thought they expire? I ended up throwing about 20 of them away. Obviously I don’t travel much! If you keep them like I did, check the dates!

Then I took all of my clothes out of all my drawers and dressers and went through them. I straightened them out and put them away neatly. I didn’t really get rid of anything notable there – just a PJ top that is WAY too warm, no matter the temperature, and a bunch of slipper-socks with no little nubs on the bottom. I worry they will be too slippery and I will slide around on my all wooden/laminate floors. So that was a nice project.

In between I took time to read a few pages in my current read. I want to finish it so I can start reading Lee’s book. Oh, and here is a picture she posted from B&N yesterday – seeing that I forgot to take pictures!

Lastly – before coming down here to post this – I moved the antique coffee grinder that I brought home from Mom’s when we cleaned out the farmhouse. It was sort of hidden where it was, so now it’s in the kitchen – where is should be – and easily visible.

Scripture of the Day:


TOMORROW February 10th is:
Childrens Hospice Day; International Cribbage Day; National Clean Out your Computer Day; National Cream Cheese Brownie Day: National Flannel Day; National Home Warranty Day; National Umbrella Day; Oatmeal Monday; Teddy Day; National Football Hangover Day.
Tomorrow I finally have a chiropractor appointment – long overdue! I won’t watch football, so no hangover here. Hope I don’t need an umbrella. I may have oatmeal for breakfast! God bless – remember to have your ‘Fruit of the Spirit!’
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