So, here was our day. For some reason we were both up about 6am. Not sure why. Baked the scones and had warm, melty ones for breakfast. Yum. I cleaned the bathrooms, kitchen, and the floors; did a load of towels and a load of clothes for Kelly and I. Then Kelly reaped in the benefits of listing her gnomes for sale on facebook; she sold a bunch of them, plus the trees and stars, and spent the rest of the morning making ornaments. She also made snowflakes out of puzzle pieces. We all just munched on our own for lunch.

Between the two of us, we pealed about 11 pounds of potatoes and cubed them, stored them in cold water in the fridge for mashed potatoes tomorrow. Made up the deviled eggs, melted the butter and softened the celery and onions. Cleaned out and organized the shelves in the fridge so there was room for everything. I took a picture of the first garland that she finished; she plans on making at least one more. It will be easier to place on the tree if it isn’t in one long piece.

Mostly the boys were just chillin’ out and gaming. Which is absolutely normal!

Once most of the work was done, Kelly and I once again drove over to the store – she ran out of gnome supplies! Now we are settled in, and other than bathing the turkey and eating supper, I think we’re done with prep and projects.

Memory book – November 24th: What do you remember most about my first month of life? “Dad & I were so proud we showed you off to everybody we knew. It was so very hot the summer you were born & Doctor Blackburn told me to take off all your clothes but your diaper until 10pm. I would take you to our basement with a fan going; it was 10* cooler down there.” Maybe that’s why I prefer the warmer weather!

On this day in 1966 the Beatles began recording their album ‘Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band.’ In 2019 Taylor Swift won six awards at the AMA; in 1963 Lee Harvey Oswald was shot and killed by Jack Ruby, and in 1877 Black Beauty (classic novel) was published. Ted Bundy (serial killer) was born in 1946; 12th president Zachary Taylor in 1784; and Todd Beamer (UA Flight 93) was born in 1968.

TOMORROW November 25 is:
- National Play Day with Dad
- National Parfait Day
- Blase´Day
- Shopping Reminder Day
- National Day of Mourning
- Thanksgiving Day
- Turkey-free Thanksgiving
I’m so looking forward to having the whole family here together! Lots of love, laughter, family, and food! Enjoy your day! And remember: Tomorrow is one month until Christmas Day (as Bud would say).

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