I’ll recap yesterday and today both to get caught up! Yesterday I did a bit on the treadmill, then went to my wellness visit at Dr. Cole’s. They had the cutest ‘elf’ themed tree in their office. All was very good – but here’s the disclaimer: I still have to have my bloodwork done. I confessed my lack of responsibility on food choices – so we’ll see what happens.

I decided that I really liked the tablecloth on the kitchen table, rather than the table runner. More colorful and bright!

After paying my December bills, I changed clothes and headed over to Mary’s work: Penn Crossings Senior Living Center. The busses were HUGE! They were the kind that knelt so passengers could get on and off. It’s been a long time since I’ve been on an adventure and had the luxury of not driving (except for our Charleston vacation in June!). It was nice to be able to just chat and watch the scenery. The first stop was the Le Mont restaurant on Mt. Washington in Pittsburgh. The food was good but the views were better. Pittsburgh is a beautiful city!

From there we went to Shadrack’s Christmas Display at the Butler Fairgrounds. It was raining lightly and I think that kept the viewers away, as there was only one other car in the entire place except for our two busses. We tuned into the radio station that coordinated the music to the light show. It was a very beautiful show. Thanks, Mary, for including me in the invitation to join the group for the outing! We got home about 10pm – just about right for two busses of seniors!

Today I worked both stores, which weren’t too busy. I stopped to get gas in the car, deposit a check at the bank, and then mailed a package at the Post Office. After a bowl of Campbells veggie soup I got to cleaning. It feels SO GOOD to have a clean, organized house – even with the basement floor issues! I scrubbed that pretty good, too, so it’s at least an improvement. I’m listening to a Hallmark movie in the background. It was a rewarding and productive two days!

Memory book – December 1st and 2nd: More favorites: Bible Verse “This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24. Also, Philippians 4:11-13 (That last verse was part of our message on Sunday morning!). Pastime – I like to read. I like to go to flea markets & garage sales. Flowers to weed & shrubs to grow & bloom” (That is DEFINITELY MOM!!) As a youth, who was your favorite movie star? Why? Clark Gable – I didn’t see many movies but loved “Gone with the Wind.” He seemed so romantic!!! Gene Autry & Roy Rogers were some others I enjoyed. I liked them because they were always helping the ‘underdog.’

On this day in 1867 Charles Dickens gave his first public reading in the US; in 1957 Sam Cooke’s ‘You Send Me’ reached #1. In 1982 the Thriller video (Michael Jackson) premiered on MTV – most influential pop video of all time. In 1927 the Model A Ford was introduced for an approximate cost of $400. Britney Spears was born in 1981. Desi Arnaz died at age 69 in 1986, and in 1886 our 26th president Theodore Roosevelt married Edith Carow.

TOMORROW December 3 is:
It’s not the roof over my head that’s a worry; it’s the floor under my feet! Have a fabulous Friday! God bless…
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