Today was our minister, Mike’s, last sermon at Hempfield church. He is retiring and going to be an interim and fill in pastor until he decides what is next. It was a good message. Thanks, Mike, for 19 years at Hempfield Church and for 50 years in the ministry.

My house is SO dirty! Glitter and tinsel and dust and STUFF everywhere. I will be SO GLAD to get the house decorated and cleaned up! Only spent about seven hours on it today. I will finish up everything but the tree tomorrow. But I do have to work tomorrow, too. Today was the first Sunday of Advent – the lighting of the HOPE candle. What a comfort to focus on our hope – in the future and in Jesus.

I planned on having French Toast today – but forgot I didn’t have any milk. So I had toast and eggs instead. Same thing, different consistency! It was good, anyway.
Here are a few photos of today’s accomplishments.

Memory book – November 28th: Tell about the Thanksgiving traditions of YOUR youth. What foods were on your Thanksgiving table? “When I was still living at home we always butchered a couple pigs we had raised. Sometime around the end of November we all went to Grandmam & Grandpap Eakmans for a big meal. One year we ate one of the goats. YUCK!!”

On this date in 1895 America’s 1st auto race was organized by the “Chicago Times-Herald” – Chicago to Evanston and back; 6 cars, 55 miles, Frank Duryea won averaging 7 MPH. In 1984, over 250 years after their deaths, William Penn and his wife Hannah Callowhill Penn are made Honorary Citizens of the United States. In 1582 William Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway. Today is my sister’s best friend E. Anne’s birthday! They grew up together in HCC youth group. E. Anne was well noted for the fact that when we didn’t know what to do with something, E. Anne would hold it for us until we decided. She was great! Happy birthday, E. Anne. Keep holding! God bless!

TOMORROW November 29 is:
Hoping if you have some cyber shopping to do you manage to get it done! Have a happy Monday! God bless.
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