Here it is, the last day of November. Tomorrow is December 1st, and we’re falling into the last month of 2021. A lot has happened this year, but that’s a discussion for the end of the year! I watched White Christmas while I was decorating the tree – and thought of Mom. (See yesterday’s Memory post.)

Work was light today, so I had plenty of time to hang ornaments and icicles on the tree and finally sweep the floor! I still move things around as I walk through the house – just because I’m suddenly struck with inspiration as to where something would look perfect.

Right now I’m half watching/half listening to The Nine Kittens of Christmas. It’s just a cute movie.

Tomorrow I have an appointment at 11am, then a Christmas outing with my friend Mary at 3pm. So if I don’t post tomorrow, don’t be alarmed. I’ll catch up on Thursday!

Memory book – November 30th: More favorites. “TV Show – No TV when I was at home. Later in the 1950’s I enjoyed the Andy Griffith Show – Perry Mason – Day of Discovery. Song – People will say We’re in Love; I’ll hold you in my Heart till I can hold you in my Arms (Eddy Arnold); You’re Something Special to Me. Color – Soft tones of brown. Now that’s I’m older I like mauve & deep pinks.”

On this day in 1753 Benjamin Franklin received the Godfrey Copley medal “on account of his curious Experiments and Observations on Electricity”. In 1982 Michael Jackson’s THRILLER album was released; in 1940 Millie Pearl made first appearance on the Grand Ole Opry (radio). Sir Winston Churchill was born in 1874; Mark Twain in 1835; Dick Clark (American Bandstand) in 1929; Lucy Maud Montgomery (Anne of Green Gables author) in 1874. In 2007 Evel Knievel died at age 69; George H W Bush (41st President) died in 2018 at age 94. Jim Nabors (Gomer Pyle) died in 2017 at age 87; Tiny Tim (Ukulele player/singer) died in 1996 at age 71, and in 1940 Lucille Ball married Desi Arnaz.

TOMORROW December 1 is:
- National Pie Day
- National Eat a Red Apple Day
- Bifocals at the Monitor Liberation Day
- Day With(out) Art Day
- Rosa Parks Day
- National Package Protection Day
Have a great day tomorrow – and I’ll catch up with you on Thursday! God bless…

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